solved Report: Choose any three current challenges in public health. The

Report: Choose any three current challenges in public health. The challenges can be local, global, or a combination of any of these. Create a brief report as an overview on the topics you choose. PowerPoint: Create a PowerPoint with key talking points that you would use if you were presenting the topics to other health professionals. Include the following:The community public health issue you chose with a description of itFactors that contribute to the issueAvailable dataPossible interventions that can be made by community health workers

solved You’ll need to underline or highlight ALL changes, big and

You’ll need to underline or highlight ALL changes, big and small
You will need to add at least 3 new pieces of evidence from articles from the De Anza library, or from my additional resources, or even more from our original texts for the unit.
The Works Cited page must be in MLA format, which we will cover in class. (Additionally, include the citation link for the De Anza library).
We will get some great resources from the library, which you can access from home. Your essay will be at least 1 ½ to 2 pages longer than the original.

solved Nonfiction Narrative: Food or Music PromptPrompt: Based off the lecture,

Nonfiction Narrative: Food or Music PromptPrompt: Based off the lecture, it’s time for you to choose a nostalgic moment that you connect strongly with that is grounded either in music or food (choose one or the other, NOT both). Remember, this story must be a factual story; one that presents a clear memory. That being said, this is a creative assignment, so please use literary techniques to make your story more interesting for your reader.The paper should be in total of 7 pages altogether. There is two more papers to go to finish it.

solved I’m studying and need help with a Nursing question to

I’m studying and need help with a Nursing question to help me learn.

Review: AANP NP Contract Sample: es/documents/publication s/ContractNegotiations.pd f
State of Florida Example ARNP protocol orms/arnp-protocolformat.pdf…
1-What are the main questions, you need to ask your employer during negotiation meeting? 
2-What could be some problems you might encounter during contract negotiation? How would you approach those problems?

solved The answer sheet should contain the following: 1.Cover page 2.Questions

The answer sheet should contain the following:
1.Cover page
Assignment’s requirements
q Use the cover page. One mark will be deducted if there is no cover page.
q Grade Distribution
Content relevancy: 6 Grades
Highlights: 2 Grades
                       In terms of quotes, data, points and comparison examples.
Overall Format and Presentation: 2 Grades
                      Overall contents covering and Format style requirements.
Answers can be in paragraph and points.

solved Examine the article Are Great Leaders Born, or Are They

Examine the article Are Great Leaders Born, or Are They Made? by David Olson and use his account of the Bay Area Medical Center as your case study. Describe the leadership strategies employed by that organization to reflect flexibility, promote sustainability, foster effective change management, and further  organizational goals. Could these strategies work for all organizations? Why or why not? Craft a one- to two-page response to this prompt. 
Article: Basics of the Situational Leadership Model – (

solved Develop an academic essay based on the thesis in the

Develop an academic essay based on the thesis in the outline I have attached below. The essay must have an extension of 14 pages( not counting annotated bibliography), 12 font Arial, double – spaced and will directly follow the structure of the outline. The following novels must be used to write the essay: El Guzmán De Alfarache by Mateo Alemán, El Lazarillo De Tormes by Mateo Alemán, Anna Karenina by Tolstoy, Woe from Wit by Griboyedov, and Dead souls by Gogol.Also,use the article I have attached about picaresque novels and realism.

solved Plagiarism is not something that just might occur in college

Plagiarism is not something that just might occur in college papers; there are social and financial consequences to plagiarism in the real world (CO4). Please review the following plagiarism cases:Jayson Blair and the New York Times.Jonah Lehrer and the New Yorker.“Surfin’ USA” and “Sweet Little Sixteen.”Choose one of the above examples and answer the following:Describe the plagiarism that occurred.What are the ethical issues related to this plagiarism?Find another example of real world plagiarism and share it with the class.

solved Read the Insider Threat from the Department of Homeland Security

Read the Insider Threat from the Department of Homeland Security and CISA: Insider Threat Mitigation
Find additional readings in this area about how to mitigate and assess insider threat concerns.

What are your ideas on how to provide time to intervene and prevent an insider cyber attack?
Find information about an insider attack, explain the attack, and did you agree or disagree with the actions? Were they justified?

solved Summary: compile a bibliography on any one of the following

compile a bibliography on any one of the following topics, or any other topic of interest to you, from a business perspective: (a) service quality; (b) rpoduct development; (c) block-chain technology; (d) information systems; (e) agile leadership; (f) assessment centres; (g) transfer pricing.

From this bibliography, select five to seven references that include books, academic journals and professional journals. Based on these five to seven references, write a literature review using APA format, as described in the appendix.