solved What to do:Part I: Listen1. Listen to “I Feel that

What to do:Part I: Listen1. Listen to “I Feel that I Belong to this Place” by Teran Powell.…Part II: Identify2. List all embedded media elements. 3. List all key terms, events, people, or locations described in the text.Where to submit: Please post your assignment as either a text entry, or a Word or PDF file to the assignment on Canvas. Also, bring your responses to class Here’s how I’ll grade this assignment: Complete / Incomplete

solved I’m working on a health & medical question and need

I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Prep Work: Review this article on titled “Top 10 healthcare campuses in the world.”…
Answer these questions:

In your opinion, why is there a “global” shortage of healthcare professionals? What interests you to be part of the healthcare world.
Given the list, which university, outside of the United States, interest you the most and why? 

solved Guided Response: Respond to your fellow students’ posts in a

Guided Response: Respond to your fellow students’ posts in a substantive manner, and provide recommendations to extend their thinking. Support your position by using information from the week’s readings, examples from current events, and/or other scholarly or credible resources. Properly cite any references, if needed, according to the Writing Center’s resources APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) and APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.).

solved Why is it that money is probably much more important

Why is it that money is probably much more important for political candidates today as compared to the 19th Century? From your readings what were the three major loopholes in the 1974 Federal Election Reform Act? Mention how the soft money loophole is being closed. Why is it difficult to get campaign reform laws passed? What was the major finding of Buckley V. Valeo? How might this and other loopholes affect our political system? Provide at least one academic reference to support your answer.

solved I don’t understand this Art question and need help to

I don’t understand this Art question and need help to study.

Arabic Taqsim
Listening Guide pg.75
07 Arab Taqsim.mp3 downloadPlay media comment. Include information about the audio example including the genre or style, instruments and form.  What culture creates this music?  What behaviors or activities are associated with this music?  Also include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example.  Do you like it/dislike it?  Why did you choose this particular example?

solved I need help with this essay pleaseWorld Music Culture1000 words.

I need help with this essay pleaseWorld Music Culture1000 words. Genre essay on Latin America Salsa music.Genre essays must include:A) An Introduction and driving thesis statementB) Information covering the following:- Cultural and historical background: who/what/where/when/why?- Description of the performance context: what happens around the music?- Musical analysis including instrumentation and other musical details. C) Works Cited page in MLA format showing research from at least 2 sources

solved This business plan is for a bakery, it’s my own

This business plan is for a bakery, it’s my own company idea although this plan is for school. I will attach a written proposal I submitted for the business plan. My proposal is attached just for reference & the business plan needs these sections:Executive Summary Industry Analysis Market Analysis Marketing Plan Management Team and Company Structure Operations Plan and Product Development Plan Please do APA format 12 pages, and use IBIS world its a website to get up to date data on industries


QkFoYkIxc0hhUVNla3FBUE1Hd3JCeWRubkdFPS0tZmMzZDA3ZTFkOWJhMWQ2MzNkNmNhOTFjZmZjMGZkYzg5YTcyZTFjMA.mp4 Discussion Board Questions You are required to respond to the following questions. Your initial response must be thorough, and a minimum of 3-5 sentences for each question. Prior to watching the film, what were your assumptions about disability and sexuality? After watching the film, explain how your perspectives changed or stayed the same? What was the most impactful part of the film and why?

solved I don’t understand this English question and need help to

I don’t understand this English question and need help to study.

a)Watch Del Harvey’s talk on protecting Twitter users. As you
watch, make notes in the note-taking section of the Cornell Notes template below. Filling this table. b)b) Watch another talk of your choice from
Take notes using Cornell method, filling in all 3 sections of the template. Bring
your notes to class on a separate piece of paper.

solved Hello! Hope you’re doing well. I am in need of

Hello! Hope you’re doing well. I am in need of assistance with this question. Attached is the Outlined directions for the Outline. My topic is “Is The Covid 19 Vaccine Right For You?” I appreciate your assistance with this task. I also work in the Healthcare field and have experienced seeing the effects of Covid first hand. So If you have any questions about my persoal experiences that you would like to add just let me know. Thank you so very much! Directions are attached.Respectfully,Arhoj