solved Listen to the Powerpoints “Progressive Age” and “Politics in the

Listen to the Powerpoints “Progressive Age” and “Politics in the Progressive Era.” Take good notes and answer the following questions. Do not just copy the bullet points as your answers. Give NAMES, DATES, PEOPLE, PLACES, EVENTS and other specifically named examples as support evidence.the progresssive age powerpoint:…politics in the progressive age powerpoint;…

solved Chapter 4 PowerPoint Presentation Read this “Designing an Effective PowerPoint

Chapter 4 PowerPoint Presentation

Read this “Designing an Effective PowerPoint Presentation: Quick Guide”  (Links to an external site.)
Complete the following:

You are the Chief Contracting Officer for the ABC agency and you are the speaker for the Chamber of Commerce Small Business program. You have been requested to give a briefing to the group on doing business with small businesses for determining the NICs, business size, certifications and set-aside programs. 

solved I’m working on a english exercise and need support to

I’m working on a english exercise and need support to help me learn.

there are 2 options for this exercise. 

Find: 3 food items in your residence
Look up: the most common contaminants for each food item
Submit: the associated food, the most common contaminant, and how much of the contaminant is allowed.


Find: 1 item in your residences (that was not used as an example in the lecture)
Look up: the LD-50 for that item
Submit: the lethal does for that specific item.

solved After going through the pdf file answer this question :Where

After going through the pdf file answer this question :Where is the world is the best place tolaunch for early success? Should wejust default to launching where we live? What isthe total market size for this opportunity?word limit -700 wordsRubrics: Approach- general overall overview of clientsproblem (bigger picture) such as backgroundsituations, current situations, existingproblems, issues, opportunities andscope- things you are doing (inclusive)or notdoing (exclusive)

solved Explain the Supreme Court’s reasons for the ruling in Brown

Explain the Supreme Court’s reasons for the ruling in Brown v. the Board of Education. What is affirmative action and why was it created by the U. S. government? Explain the Adarand ruling, and the reasons for the ruling of the Supreme Court. What effects might this case have on future affirmative action programs by government institutions? Do you think that affirmative action programs are still necessary today? Support your answer with at least one academic reference.

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need an

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Watch the following Ted talk on gender based marketing: 

Write a recap of the video.  You should have at least 6 meaningful sentences.
What did you learn from the video
Do you agree with the speaker?  Why or Why not?

solved I’m working on a writing report and need support to

I’m working on a writing report and need support to help me learn.

1. What are some of the ethical issues surrounding:The Tuskegee Syphilis ExperimentTearoom Trade: Impersonal Sex in Public Places, conducted by Sociologists, Laud HumphreysMust include at least 2 specific examples for each case and explain why they are ethical issues.

solved How Hard Can This Be?Watch the Movie “Frustration, Anxiety and

How Hard Can This Be?Watch the Movie “Frustration, Anxiety and Tension: How Hard Can This Be” by Dr. Richard Lavoie a 1-page reaction paper including: 1. Some point in the article2. Your reaction/response to it 3. Explanation for why you had this response, such as I learned in class…I saw a move about…I read a book about…In my occupation I frequently work with individuals who…I need 85%+ grade in this. thanks.

solved Watch: Introduction to Psychological First AidWatch: Overview to Psychological First

Watch: Introduction to Psychological First AidWatch: Overview to Psychological First AidPageWatch: Overview to Psychological First AidNCTSN Learning Center for Child and Adolescent TraumaThe first two to watch is in the NCTSM linkR3eading comes from Stebnicki, M. A. (2016). Disaster mental health counseling: Responding to trauma in a multicultural context. Springer Publishing Company. ISBN: 9780826132888. the reading came form this book 1-5 if you are familiar of it.

solved After viewing “Lyft, Uber, and Sidecar” and the “EatWith” videos,

After viewing “Lyft, Uber, and Sidecar” and the “EatWith” videos, predict the problems that will continue to plague innovators in the flexible workforce. Use at least two sources in addition to the text to support your position. The Reason Foundation. (Producer). (2014). Lyft, Uber and Sidecar [Video file]. Retrieved from the Films on Demand database. The Reason Foundation. (Producer). (2014). EatWith [Video file]. Retrieved from the Films on Demand database.