solved 1. Character sketch outline: This mid-assessment activity is designed to

1. Character sketch outline:
This mid-assessment activity is designed to help you build the analysis assignment due at the end of the module. After reading the David Sedaris Hanout “Twelve Moments in the Life of the Artist” located in your readings sub-module, begin your textual analysis by examining the thesis statement provided in the instructions below.  
Analysis Sketch Instructions:

Use the thesis statement: In “Twelve Moments in the Life of an Artist” David Sedaris examines how identity develops through failures as well as achievements. The thesis statement must be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph.
Create an argument that will support this thesis statement with 2 sections.

SECTION ONE: should focus on the first part of the thesis statement, prove that David’s identity is shaped in part by his failures in the story. In this part include 1 quote from the essay that supports this idea. 
SECTION TWO: should focus on the second part of the thesis statment, prove that David’s identity is shaped in part by his successes in the story. In this part include 1 quote from the essay that supports this idea. 
Review the “Quote Sandwich Rubric” handout (located in the submodule) when inserting quotes into your body paragraphs: a single sentence that sets up the quote for your reader (1 simple sentence), the quote itself (no more than 4 lines of text), and an explanation of how the quote supports the thesis statement (3-5 sentences).

Ensure that all paragraphs are at least 5 sentences long throughout your paper, this includes the introduction and conclusion paragraphs. They do NOT need to be complete yet, because this is the first step in the process so don’t say everything you want to yet, you will be adding to this essay in this and the next module.
Provide the full citation for the reading in its own Works Cited page, separate form any content page. Use this full citation: Sedaris, David. Me Talk Pretty One Day. New York, Little Brown & Co, New York, 2000. 
Use the MLA general format page to set up your document, navigate to the in-text citation page to determine that you are providing the correct in-text citation in your paper. 

2. Character Sketch Rough Draft
This assessment activity is designed to help you build the analysis assignment due at the end of the module. You will be adding content to your outline to make it a full essay draft. Read the directions very carefully and make sure that you fully understand everything that you are being asked to write. 
Analysis Sketch Rough Draft Instructions:

Place this thesis statement at the end of the introduction paragraph: In “Twelve Moments in the Life of an Artist” David Sedaris examines how identity develops through failures as well as achievements. 
Create an argument that will support this thesis statement with 2 sections.

SECTION ONE: should focus on the first part of the thesis statement, prove that David’s identity is shaped in part by his failures in the story. 
Add sandwiching to this quote (a set up sentences, the quote, and 3 sentences explaining how your quote supports the thesis statement.)
SECTION TWO: should focus on the second part of the thesis statment, prove that David’s identity is shaped in part by his successes in the story.
Add sandwiching to this quote (a set up sentences, the quote, and 3 sentences explaining how your quote supports the thesis statement.)

Ensure that each paragraph has at least 5 sentences. 
BODY PARAGRAPHS: start each paragraph with a introduction to the point you are making in that paragraph. Do NOT report events in the essay, your reader is already familiar with the story, they are reading your analysis because they want to hear your specific argument relating to David’s development of identity. Close each paragraph with a summary of that point. 
INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION paragraphs: ensure that there are at least 5 sentences in each paragraph. These paragraphs are about your argument not the story. Do not include any quotes or argument elements besides the thesis statement in these paragraphs. 
Provide the full citation for the reading in its own Works Cited page, separate form any content page. Use this full citation: Sedaris, David. Me Talk Pretty One Day. New York, Little Brown & Co, New York, 2000. 
Use the MLA general format page to set up your document, navigate to the in-text citation page to determine that you are providing the correct in-text citation in your paper

3. Textual Analysis Essay.
Using the essay “Twelve Moments in the Life of an Artist” and your “Analysis Sketch” assignment, create a 2 page textual analysis argument and prove your interpretation of the text is valid. You will be adding to the “Analysis Sketch” assignment from this module to expand your original essay. You MUST have already received a grade and critique from me from the “Analysis Sketch” assignment and already made any necessary edits before you can submit this assignment. 
Paper Instructions:

Make any needed edits to the “Analysis Sketch” assignment before adding to it to create this assignment. 
Following the structure of the “Analysis Sketch” assignment add onto the essay until you meet the criteria for this new level of the assignment. 
Add 2 more quotes to your analysis:

In SECTION ONE: add 1 more quote to the section of your paper that supports how David’s identity is shaped through his failures. The best way to do this is to make the new quote the center of its own paragraph.
In SECTION TWO: add 1 more quote to the section of your paper that supports how David’s identity is shaped through his successful decisions and actions. The best way to do this is to make the new quote the center of its own paragraph.

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