solved #1 Define play (2 points), and differentiate between play with

#1 Define play (2 points), and differentiate between play with objects (2 points) and social play (2 points).Discuss the timeline for the emergence of the various forms of both types of play, including examples from the course for each type discussed (10 points).Finally discuss what play has to do with cognitive development, using examples or theories from the course. (4 points).#2 Define Object permanence (2 points).When did Piaget think infants develop object permanence (2 points), and what evidence did he provide for this conclusion (2 points)? Describe and discuss 2 pieces of evidence that suggests that object permanence develops earlier than Piaget thought (10 points, 5 points each).Discuss why changes in research methodology yield results that are different from Piaget’s. (4 points)#3 Compare and Contrast the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky as they apply to the infancy period.Discuss at least 2 contributions and 2 criticisms of each theory (8 points).Discuss at least 2 things the theorists agree one and 2 things they disagree on (6 points).Discuss a modern research example from the class that supports or discredits each theory (6 points) (Note: Research examples should be some form of psychological study discussed in the course, text, lecture or eLearning)

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