solved 1- Hi In the United States there has been a

1- Hi In the United States there has been a push back by the construction industry on some types of foreign steel. The products have been tested and failed for strength and content. Is this something that could be used by governments to exclude (non-tarriff) based on its quality?2-One of the government’s main responsibilities is the focus on protecting, growing, and enhancing its domestic economy. There are a variety of reasons why governments impose trade barriers on imports. Sure, imposing tariffs are revenue-generating (Cateora et. al, 2016), but protectionism is even more so critical to the long-term, continued economic growth and success of a country. For example, protectionism aids in ensuring the domestic standard of living for its citizens, stable wages, and industrialization of underdeveloped nations (Ma & Lu, 2011). The government holds the responsibility of ensuring a balance of trade through controllable elements in the form of trade barriers.The most common trade barrier to international commerce is inflicted tariffs on imported goods. This is meant to discourage consumers from buying foreign imported products and influence the customer to purchase domestically manufactured items (Ma & Lu, 2011). This supports domestic economic growth, promotes job opportunities, and is mean to reduce unemployment, critical to economic stability (Ma & Lu, 2011). In limiting foreign market share, countries can remain relevant and participative in global commerce CITE. Besides tariffs, governments may also impose other non-tariff trade barriers such as embargos, boycotts, quotas, and money barriers (Cateora et. al, 2016). All of these barriers are imposed in order to protect domestic economic growth from foreign competition. International marketing textbooks recognize a myriad of other reasons for protectionism. Such reasons would include conservation of natural resources or for maintaining/strengthening national defense (Cateora et. al, 2016)- both of which are crucial to national and economic longevity. Governments may also impose trade barriers to protect infant industries. This allows such firms the time to develop in new and potentially promising markets, providing the opportunity to compete internationally (Ma & Lu, 2011). Cateora, P., Gilly, M., & Graham, J. (2016). International marketing. 17th Edition. McGraw-HillEducation.Ma, J., & Lu, Y. (2011). Free trade or protection: a literature review on trade barriers. Researchin World Economy, 2(1), 69.3-Hello class, Economists generally agree that trade barriers are detrimental and decrease overall economic efficiency. This can be explained by the theory of comparative advantage. In theory, free trade involves the removal of all such barriers, except perhaps those considered necessary for health or national security. In practice, however, even those countries promoting free trade heavily subsidize certain industries, such as agriculture and steel. Trade barriers are often criticized for the effect they have on the developing world. Because rich-country players set trade policies, goods, such as agricultural products that developing countries are best at producing, face high barriers (Elliott, 2019).Trade barriers, such as taxes on food imports or subsidies for farmers in developed economies, lead to overproduction and dumping on world markets, thus lowering prices and hurting poor-country farmers. Tariffs also tend to be anti-poor, with low rates for raw commodities and high rates for labor-intensive processed goods. The Commitment to Development Index measures the effect that rich country trade policies actually have on the developing world. Another negative aspect of trade barriers is that it would cause a limited choice of products and, therefore, would force customers to pay higher prices and accept inferior quality. In general, for a given level of protection, quota-like restrictions carry a greater potential for reducing welfare than do tariffs. Tariffs, quotas, and non-tariff barriers lead too few of the economy’s resources being used to produce tradeable goods (Elliott, 2019).An export subsidy can also be used to give an advantage to a domestic producer over a foreign producer. Export subsidies tend to have a particularly strong negative effect because in addition to distorting resource allocation, they reduce the economy’s terms of trade. In contrast to tariffs, export subsidies lead to an over allocation of the economy’s resources to the production of tradeable goods. Internationally recognized ethical practices such as the UN Global Compact have been instituted to facilitate mutual cooperation and benefit between governments, businesses, and public institutions. Nevertheless, countries continue to face challenges around ethical trading and business practices, especially regarding economic inequalities and human rights violations (Chakrabarty, & Nag, 2014).References:Chakrabarty, S., & Nag, B. (2014). Perceptions of international trade barriers: Empirical study of small apparel firms.Elliott, G. (2019). Tariff Procedures and Trade Barriers. University of Toronto Press.

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