1. THE FORGOTTEN MINORITY IN POLICE SHOOTINGS (Links to an external site.) – Article – CDC Statistics Say That Native Americans Are More Likely to Be Killed by Law Enforcement Than Any Other Group. Focus on the issues in the questions/prompts as you read the article carefully and take notes.Understanding and interpreting what different kinds of statistics tell us is very important and the difference between numbers and rates is one of the most important differences.a. Describe in your own words what the first chart tells us about all the groups on it. At least 4 sentencesb. Explain the difference between the NUMBER of deaths of Native Americans and the RATE of deaths? (A smaller number of Native Americans are killed by police, but the rate of deaths is the highest) At least 2 sentencesb. Why are the deaths at the hands of law enforcement likely underestimated and why are “Native American people basically invisible in the statistics and to most people in the country.”? (There is information scattered throughout the article about how the deaths of Native Americans at the hands of law enforcement are underestimated.) At least 3 sentencesc. Briefly describe the circumstances of the deaths of Paul Castaway, Corey Kanosh, Zachary Bearheels and Loreal Tsingine. 3 sentences about eachd. How are the circumstances of the killings of the following Native Americans; Paul Castaway, Corey Kanosh, Zachary Bearheels and Loreal Tsingine SIMILAR to the killings of African Americans at the hand of the police? At least 3 sentences2. ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST NATIVE AMERICAN WOMEN (Links to an external site.) – ARTICLEFocus on the issues in the questions/prompts as you read the article carefully and take notes.a. Describe the level of violence against indigenous women. At least 3 sentencesb. Briefly discuss racial discrimination and equality under the law. At least 3 sentencesc. Briefly describe how this violence is a violation of human rights? At least 3 sentencesd. Briefly describe the reforms needed to protect and restore the safety of Native American women. At least 3 sentences3. INSIDE LIFE ON THE LAKOTA SIOUX RESERVATION (Links to an external site.) – ROBERT LOOKS TWICE – Video -6 minutesa. Tell me ALL about Robert as an individual AND as a Lakota Sioux. At least 3 sentencesb. Describe his family, his home AND his community. At least 3 sentences c. Describe several emotions you felt as you watched this video? At least 2 sentences4. NAVAJO CODE TALKERS (Links to an external site.) Video – 8 Minutesa. Several native languages were used as codes during earlier wars. Why was the Navajo language the best candidate to use as a code in World War II? The answers to this part are spread throughout the video. At least 3 sentences. b. Navajos had to develop the code themselves and they used the “substitution” method instead of direct translation. Describe how that method works. At least 3 sentences. c. How effective were the code and the Code Talkers during WW II? At least 2 sentences. d. Why was the program kept secret/classified? When they returned home from the war, the Code Talkers were not allowed to tell anyone, even family what they had been doing. There are clues in the video about the following question, but you will need to use critical thinking to figure it out. At least 3 sentences. e. Fill in the blanks, number of Navajo on their reservation _______, the number who speak Navajo at home according to the 2010 U.S. Census _______ .

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