solved 3 (300-word summaries at least) using Prothero “Religion Matters” Summary

3 (300-word summaries at least) using Prothero “Religion Matters” Summary 1 A famous rabbi once wrote, “Right belief follows right practice.” What do you think this means, and how does it reflect Judaism’s focus on practice? What does it suggest more broadly about the ways that we come to “believe” anything at all? *It is not necessary to refer to Prothero’s text for this one. This one is pure free-thought! Have fun. Summary 2 Again, I want to break from our textbook briefly, because I really want to focus on the fascinating break from Judaism that creates “Christianity” as a universal new religious movement, entirely separate from Judaism. It demonstrated that Jesus, as a wisdom teacher and a wandering preacher, did attract a lot of attention and inspire a movement. But, it was Paul who actually should be understood as the founder of Christianity. Without reference to any particular source (i.e. feel free to speculate), why do YOU think this new religious movement became SO popular despite the opposition of both Jews and the Roman Empire more broadly? Summary 3 With reference to your textbook, what makes Sufis different from other Muslims? Why do you think poetry and dance are so important in the Sufi tradition?

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