solved 3 page essay Chapter 3 Discussion: Biopsychology and Neuroplasticity 66

3 page essay
Chapter 3 Discussion: Biopsychology and Neuroplasticity
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Choose only ONE question per topic, and write a coherent, well-organized essay, using concepts from the text of no less that 350-400 words (Three full Paragraphs) that responds to the question in its entirety. Following direction from section 5 (grading system) of syllabus–write clearly, include what you have learned in this unit without copying, cite your source, and apply the concept learned to the topic chosen. Read directions carefully and cover all aspects in a logical, well-organized essay. For full credit, remember to use a quote and list the textbook as reference at the end. See my introduction example under the first module for ideas. Respond to two other student”s AP’s. You will need to post your AP first before you will see other students work.
Here are this week’s choices:
Watch the video from page one of this module. Video: Enhancing the plasticity of the brain: Max Cynader at TEDxStanleyPark. Explain what you believe Dr.Cynader means by the slogan “Neuron’s that fire together, wire together”. Using concepts you learned in the text in addition to this video, share what you learned about how parts of the body affects the psychology of individuals.

Watch the video by Ruby Wax (on page one of this module). Video: How Neuroplasticity can help with Depression with Ruby Wax. Describe Ruby Wax struggle with mental illness and how she believes neuroplasticity helped her. Using concepts you learned from the textbook, share what you learned about how the parts of the body relates to mental illness
Students are often surprised by the amount of biology that is included in the psychology course. Biopsychology and neuropsychology are a predominate field and growing every day. There has been so much change in recent years with the ability to perform brain scans and researchers able to actually see brains in action. Many psychological disorders are highly connected to brain chemistry and the nervous system. From children with ADHD or sensory disorders, to teens with depression and suicidal idealization, to adults with bi-polar or panic disorders, and seniors with cognitive disorders, you will see biopsychology play a huge role in new interventions and treatments.
You will learn about how the body affects individuals through the brain interaction (communication) of synapses, particularly neurotransmitters that effect mood and therefore behavior. In the following National Geographic video the scientists makes a great statement “the only real sign that something is wrong is the outward manifestation of the disease, a person is acting crazy, doesn’t seem to learn very well, or movements are disordered in some way…” You have to see the wires (synapse)…” (to see how they communicate and influence or guide us).
Watch the following three fascinating videos that give great details of actual scans of synapse, explain how the brain works, and the importance of neuroplasticity for future treatments. Ruby Wax is a comedian with depression and bi-pilor who shares how treatments using concepts of neuroplasticity helped change her life. All CC available.
Beautiful 3-D Brain Scans Show Every Synapse | National Geographic – YouTube
How Neuroplasticity Could Help with Depression, with Ruby Wax – YouTube
Enhancing the plasticity of the brain: Max Cynader at TEDxStanleyPark – YouTube
Discover How to Rewire Your Brain with Neuroplasticity – YouTube

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