solved [3] Read the Iliad (Volume 1, pp. 122-194).If you are
[3] Read the Iliad (Volume 1, pp. 122-194).If you are still waiting for the arrival of your textbook, you can read an electronic text: Homer, Iliad.etext (read pp. 77-98, 467-487, 541-558, 588-614).pdfDiscussion Questions:Epic is a long narrative poem involving heroic figures and supernatural events and written in elevated style. Identify some elements of epic in the Iliad.Discuss the ways in which Homer portrays the ancient Greek deities (gods and goddesses). How are they similar to and/or different from the Judeo-Christian God in their characterization? How do deities (gods and goddesses) intervene in human affairs?Ancient literary texts provide us with a glimpse of how ancient people lived in their time. What do we learn about ancient Greek lives from the Iliad?What do you think about the ancient Greeks’ lifestyle? Would you be interested in living in ancient Greece instead of contemporary America? Why or why not? How are women represented in the Iliad?
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