solved 7-2 Final Project II Submission: Academic Success PlanPrevious Next InstructionsAfter
7-2 Final Project II Submission: Academic Success PlanPrevious Next InstructionsAfter reviewing the instructions above, including the Final Project II Guidelines and Rubric document, use the Final Project II Academic Success Plan Template document to create your plan for success.Hint: Be sure to review the rubric feedback from your instructor on Final Project I before completing section two of the template!First, download Microsoft Word as needed to complete this week’s project. (Note: You probably already did this in Week Five and will not need to download Word again once you have already done so.)Second, download and save the Final Project II Academic Success Plan Template to your own computer.Third, fill in the template in its entirety.Fourth, be sure to save the completed template to save your work!Finally, click on the add attachment button to attach your completed template, and be sure to hit the “upload” button to send it to your instructor.
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