solved   Gout   American   College of

  American   College of Rheumatology Guidelines for Management of Gout (2020) Arthritis   Care and Research Volume 72 No 6 June 2020 pp. 744-760 DOI 10.1002/acr.24180
the powerpoint presentation should be done about the gout and using the article above only, the focus of the powerpoint is to create a Clinical practice guideline, you need to use the example of one of clinical rotation patient: RS is a 54years old male, hispanic, came to the clinic complaining of severe pain in the joints, swelling and pain in the big toe for the last week. patients has a history of gout and this is a flare up of the disease for him. please follow apa format and hit every point required , thanks 
Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are written to provide recommendations that are intended to assist providers in making decisions for specific circumstances or disease conditions.  CPGs are based on systematic reviews of the best available evidenced based medicine research.   Interpreting and learning to apply guidelines into practice is necessary to develop and enhance diagnostic reasoning skills.   
Activity Learning Outcomes 
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: 
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: 

Read and interpret a primary care related CPG for use in practice. (CO 3) 
Identify the CPG recommendations and strength of evidence. (CO 3) 
Compare and contrast the diagnosis and treatment of a patient seen in the clinical setting to the recommendations given in the CPG. (CO 3) 

Total Points Possible:  100 

Students will RANDOMLY be assigned a CPG on a disease topic by their instructor in  Week 1. 
In Week 7, students will provide a brief, narrated PowerPoint presentation using Kaltura while following the directions and rubric listed below. 
Students will share a copy of their given CPG by attaching it to the discussion board where their presentation (or link) is posted. This will allow the instructor and peer to review along with your presentation. 
The narrated PowerPoint presentation, copy of the CPG, and transcript are due before Wednesday 11:59pm MT of Week 7. 
If any of the required items are missing or are submitted after the deadline, late penalties will be applied according to the Late Assignment Policy as discussed in the Syllabus. 

Preparing the presentation: 
The presentation should be developed using the following guidelines: 

All presentations must be in PowerPoint format and narrated using Kaltura.  
Slides should be professional in appearance and easy to read. 
The presentation should be no more than 15min.  
The presentation should be shared with the class for viewing by posting a link in the Week 7 discussion board BEFORE Wednesday 11:59pm MT. 
Attach the CPG article to the Week 7 discussion board by using the paperclip icon. 
Submit a written transcript of your presentation (see definition above) to the Week 7 assignment box, before Wednesday 11:59 p.m. MT. 
Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling should be observed in all slides. 
A reference slide should be included as the final slide and APA format should be observed.   

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