solved A) Introduction (1-2 pages) The introductory section of your proposal

A) Introduction (1-2 pages)
The introductory section of your proposal should clearly present the problem that you have identified.  To demonstrate the problem and the need for your approach, you should cite reliable evidence, such as data, policy papers, research findings, and testimonials from stakeholders. You are also encouraged to cite primary sources and to reference media accounts to help validate the need for your approach.  In short, this section should pique my interest as a potential investor.  A good strategy for “hooking” a social impact investor is to couch an emotional appeal into a factual assessment of the problem.  Put another way, you should look to humanize the problem at a personal level, while presenting compelling evidence about the far-reaching effects on the community at large.  
B) Prevention Program / Coalition Building 
Your approach must include a programmatic component based on an original idea.     You must cite from at least two peer-reviewed journals in putting forth your program theory.  Remember, the most effective of programs are informed by research findings.     In Module 4, you may recall that the Domestic Violence High-Risk Team was based on research out of John Hopkins University.  The research findings from that study revealed that there are identifiable risk factors for intimate partner homicide — hence, the theory of the program.  In other words, the research out of John Hopkins was used to develop the program model.  Similarly, you must look to academic research to inform the creation of your own program.  This section of your proposal should clearly cite the program theory around which your program will be built.  Be sure to identify whether your program is a microsocial or macrosocial one.  Your proposal should explicitly state the program goal and at least four corresponding objectives.  Remember, objectives must be quantifiable.  In addition, you must outline how exactly the program is designed to operate.  To do so, please review the course material on logic models to ensure that your program includes all of the mechanical elements necessary.  Be sure to discuss how you plan to formally evaluate the program to determine whether it is functioning as desired and producing the anticipated outcomes.
Furthermore, the program you design must be a collaborative undertaking and involve the linkage of different systems.  To do so, you must build a coalition from the ground up.  Be sure to identify all of the stakeholders needed.  Explain their stake in the issue, their role in the coalition, and your strategy for engaging them.  Finally, your proposal should demonstrate an understanding of systems thinking.  That is, I expect you to reference mental models, leverage points, system traps, and unintended consequences; specifically, how will your program take these concepts into account?
C) Social Change Movement
To coincide with your collaborative program, you must also design a corresponding effort to effect social change.  In order to do so, you should focus on two areas: 1) Community organizing and activism and 2) Awareness Campaigns.  Discuss your community organizing plan and the ways in which you will use activist strategies to raise awareness and/or change attitudes and beliefs about your topic.  You must look to a social change movement in history and adopt at least two strategies employed by leaders of that movement. Discuss these strategies and how you plan to adopt them in an effort to effect change.  You may select any social change movement in the U.S. or abroad with historical significance (e.g., Civil Rights Movement; Anti-Apartheid Movement; American Indian Movement; Women’s Suffrage Movement; Feminist Movement; Labor Movement, etc.).  This will, of course, require some level of research on your part.  More than anything, this section of your proposal should complement the overarching goal of your collaborative program and the mission of your coalition. 
For your Awareness Campaign, you must compose a comprehensive plan that demonstrates how you intend to both reach and influence the public.  Be sure to explain the nexus between the campaign and the collaborative program you designed.  Who exactly are you targeting with the campaign?  How will it be recognized (e.g., a logo, a symbol, a hashtag, a motto, a catchphrase, a quotation, a photo — a combination of any of these)?  What mediums of communication will you use to be both visible and relevant?  What resources will be needed to run the campaign?  For how long will the campaign exist?  What, specifically, are you looking to achieve, and how will you know if you have done so?
D) Conclusion

This final section of your proposal should restate your multifaceted approach clearly and succinctly.  It should effectively tie each section of the proposal together and conclude with a final appeal to me as a possible investor.  Simply put, this is your last opportunity to convince me to invest in what you propose, so be sure to end with your best “sales pitch” using persuasive writing and sound reasoning. 

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