solved  Task: Your task is to select a recent current

Task: Your task is to select a recent current event and interpret the situation through the lens of a social psychological construct or theory discussed in class. You will provide a detailed analysis or interpretation of the example using at least one concept or theory from the list of concepts below.
Bystander effect
Steps that deter helping
Pluralistic ignorance
Diffusion of responsibility
Types of Conformity:
Normative Social Influence (to fit in)
Informational Social Influence (to be right)
Private acceptance
Minority influence
Obedience to Authority
Interpersonal Attraction:
Mere Exposure Effect
Misattribution of Arousal
Sternberg’s Triangle of Love
Equity Theory of Relationships
Communal vs. Exchange-based relationships
Stereotyping & Prejudice:
Social Identity Theory
ingroup favoritism vs. outgroup derogation
Automatic/Controlled Processing
Social categorization/Schemas
Implicit Bias
Structure of Paper
Opening Paragraphs: Description of Example (Personal Experience or Current Event)
1 Provide sufficient details to explain what happened in your situation or in the current event. End the paragraph with a thesis statement that describes which social psychological theory or construct(s) you will use to explain what is happening in your example.
Body Paragraphs: Define your concept(s), then justify and defend your analysis
1 Your primary goal is to demonstrate that you understand the concept(s) you are using and can correctly apply the concept(s) to a real life scenario. Successful papers first define the concept and clarify the meaning in their own words. (Remember to use APA citations if you use direct quotes from the text or lectures.) Please note that some theories have multiple components; you are responsible for defining or describing all relevant components in order to adequately defend your analysis.
2 Once you have defined what your concept means, you should then elaborate or explain how your chosen example fits the definition of the concept. Your goal is to convince the reader (me) why the concept you chose correctly explains what is happening in your example. To do this effectively, you will need to reference various aspects of the example you’ve provided and then tie that example to the definition of you provided.
Conclusion: Final Reflection
1 What are your personal thoughts on what happened in this situation or event? Were you initially shocked or surprised by your or the other person’s behavior/event?
2 How has learning about this concept affected you? Has it changed your thoughts, attitudes, or possible future behaviors? Discuss.

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