solved According to the Asia Study, Global Competence is defined as

According to the Asia Study, Global Competence is defined as “the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance” ( Our goal in teaching global awareness is to encourage students to notice the world around them, how it may differ from the “world” they know and how they can function within it. In studying global issues we hope to also develop cultural sensitivity so we can transcend that sensitivity and awareness into our culturally diverse classrooms.For your first Global Competency activity:View this video:…Reflect on the video you saw, then use the following questions to guide you as discuss the video with your group members:What impacted you most about Ms. Chimamanda Adichie story?Have you ever caught yourself falling into a critical misunderstanding about a particular cultural group?How can making yourself become more aware of different cultures, cultural battles, and/or cultural prejudices, improve your practice as a classroom teacher?Then, analyze stakeholders involved in the video, select one that is different from yours and describe how this person views the world and particular issues examined.

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