solved Activity Time:2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection:
Activity Time:2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection: 1 hourDirections:James Stringer was a member of the Minnesota Vikings. Getting ready for football season, he was out running his five-mile run for the day. James lived in a very small town and knew most of his neighbors. He ran past his best friend’s home and his best friend, Harley, was out playing in his backyard with his Pitbull. James stepped onto Harley’s land and was running up to the fence to say “Hi†to his friend. His friend, Harley, knew that the backyard fence’s door had been having troubles staying closed. The Pitbull ran toward the door and by just touching the door with its front paw, the door opened. The Pitbull ran over to James and bit off a finger. James will not be able to play in the fall season.What is James Stringer’s legal recourse? What are the complications to James’ case because of his own actions?â€
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