solved After completing the readings, watching the videos in Unit 4,

After completing the readings, watching the videos in Unit 4, and further researching the topic, post a two-paragraph response to the following: 
In the reading, you learned about types of attachment: secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized. Which attachment style do you believe you grew up with, and what effect did it have on your cognitive and personality development as a child?
Think about the type of people that you are attracted to, the relationship(s) that you’re in, and/or the type of parent that you are (if you have children). What effect, if any, does your attachment style have on your relationships and/or parenting?
Respond to Peers
My parents method of parenting was completely different from one another. While my mother offered me secure attachment, my father gave me avoidant attachment. That being said, it would make sense to believe I was raised in two separate households; however, that is not the case. I was raised in a very confusing, single family home with two completely different styles of parenting. Due to the differences within my parents methods, I received ambivalent attachment. Navigating my way into adulthood has had its highs and lows because of my childhood. In some situations, I am secure, confident and comfortable. While, in other situations I am insecure, anxious and uncomfortable. These situations could be very similar but depending on my mood or surrounding circumstances, I could experience either reaction.
I have experiences the same as observed by Weinfield, Sroufe, Egeland & Carlson, growing from an insecure-avoidant child (partially), I’ve had difficulties making and maintaining relationships (and friendships) (2008). My partner was raised in an abusive, emotionally unavailable household which aligns with avoidant-disorganized attachment. Due to his childhood, he struggles to express emotion and is very anxiety ridden. Together, we have two children and are trying our best to align our methods with secure attachment. We are trying to provide our children with security, confidence and emotional availability. I believe our incompetent childhoods are motivation for us to do better with our children, than what was done for us. 

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