solved After reading chapters 1-3 in your text, you should now

After reading chapters 1-3 in your text, you should now be familiar with the numerous developmental theories and scientific methods that are used in lifespan development. These theories are helpful in describing and predicting behavior in many cases, but it takes a multi-theoretical approach to attempt to explain an actual human! The below video is meant to augment your textbook readings this week:
2009 Child Development Theorists from Freud to Erikson to Spock and Beyond 1 (Links to an external site.)
After completing your readings and watching the video, respond to the following questions (using at least 150 words for your main post and 70 words for response posts):

Which theory interests you most and why?
Explain why it takes multiple theories to understand human development.
Create your own theory of development, that addresses a concept you have observed or are interested in (this is how many theories originated in the first place). Feel free to use sections or concepts from current theories that might explain your observation or interest in a different way. Explain any challenges or difficulties you encountered while developing your theory.
In your responses to your peers, be sure and make suggestions about the theories they create.

Use at least one intext citation and proper APA reference in each of your 3 required posts – (1 main post and 2 response posts)

I need 2 responses
Draylan Perkins8:12pmJun 10 at 8:12pm
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What is Lifespan Development? “The broad changes and continuities that constitute a person’s identity and growth from birth to death” (Clegg, 2016). The theory that interests me the most is the Piaget’s Cognitive Theory. The reason that this one interests me the most is because it talks about experience a lot, & I believe that everything that we know and everything that helps us develop has something to do with experience.
I believe that it takes multiple theories to understand human development because everyone has different experiences and everyone develops differently.
My theory of development is I believe that when we are babies we learn the fundamentals we need in order to survive an live such as when we are hungry we need to eat and as we get older we start to develop personality and that begins to shape who we are as we experience different things and respond to them. The third stage I feel like we learn to be more independent and how to survive on our own.
(Clegg, 10/2016) Clegg, K. M., L., S. K., J., H. R., Michele, H. (2016). Lifespan Development, 3rd Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf 9.4.3]. Retrieved from vbk://9781942041245

Timothy Ekiom
There theory that interests me the most is Bandura’s social cognitive learning theory. This theory interests me the most because of my 5 year old daughter. When reading about this theory, I couldn’t help but think about all the times she imitates things that I do or say (whether good or bad). Bandura states, “In imitation, a child is directly reinforced for repeating or copying the actions of others.” (Bandura, 1989; Miller, 2011). Young children do rely on their parents a lot for how they learn how to act. There is obviously a lot more that determines how a young child will develop. Another theory that interests me is Pavlov’s behavioral learning theory. This theory, along with others, helps a person understand human development. Children will modify their behavior based on rewards or punishments.
My theory of development would be how guilt guides development and learning and if a person modify their behavior so they don’t feel negative feelings about something. This theory touches Erikson’s psychological stage of initiative versus guilt.
Kraynok, M. C., Seifert, K., Hoffnung, R. J., & Hoffnung, M. (2017). Lifespan development. Academic Media Solutions.
Edited by Timothy Eikom on Jun 10 at 6:57pm 

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