solved After reading completing the readings for this week and browsing

After reading completing the readings for this week and browsing through the slide galleries and links: Post a reading response of a minimum 250 words exploring one of the prompts posted below. Please feel free to incorporate your own opinion and observations in your discussion! When necessary, use and example from the reading, include page number/quote/imagePick one of these topics for your response: Do you think artists should have access and freedom to copy and alter versions of other’s work (i.e. in the form of 3D models/printing)? Does a certain amount of changing to the piece have to be done for this, or in any sense it is fair use? Is there a time frame this is allowable, in terms of copyright? Does this change at all in the framing of a museum using the work for profit as with memorabilia and products?Do you consider this situation a “heist” in the way it is presented? Does that change with the possibility those involved may have acquired the data differently than presented (not by scanning, but by getting the museum’s 3D scan and releasing it)? What about the museum’s acquisition of the artifact? And Berlin’s adoption of it as a cultural symbol?Should museums be able to copyright the work it contains, particularly work that is well beyond the lifetimes of the creators? What about copyrighting the copy (3D scan) of an item already in the public domain, as with Nefertiti? Do you think museums should provide 3D models of artifacts of this nature? What about if the 3D scans have already been made – should they be public? Particularly when museums are often publicly funded in some capacity?Pg 10: “Walter Benjamin famously argued that the mass reproduction of works of art, enabled by modern technologies like photography, makes it possible to conceive of an auratic object even if it contributes to its destruction.”
Do you consider access to these works with new technologies “contributing to their destruction”? In what ways do you agree or disagree, or consider both arguments?Also on page 20, Cronin argues that three-dimensional scan and print technologies cannot reproduce an original object’s aura, do you agree with this opinion?Do you think there is a reasonable way to go about repatriation of artifacts acquired in dubious ways through colonialism and imperialism? Should there be an effort in repatriation? Would you consider the situation with the bust of Nefertiti something that should be considered for repatriation? After you have done so, you must also POST TWO 100 word minimum response to a classmate’s observations by hitting “reply” to their post. Your response post should elaborate on their comments, you may have a questions, be curious about their viewpoint, agree or disagree. Be respectful and courteous, but don’t be afraid to ask questions! Try to reply to a response that seems lonely. Then join other thread if you are interested.

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