solved After you finish the readings for Week 8, post a

After you finish the readings for Week 8, post a message (here) in the conference in which you complete the following:”Discuss the major similarities between the juvenile and adult systems of justice? In your opinion, should children continue to receive what many regard as preferential treatment from the courts? Why or why not?”2. reply to two student response . ————————— Kaitlyn GrissonOne major similarity between juvenile and adult court is that now juveniles are guaranteed many of the same procedural rights as adults (Schmalleger 2017). While there are many technical differences between adult and juvenile court proceedings, the main goal of both courts are the same which is to provide justice while also being mindful to not overstep on the rights of the defendant. “Similar to adult court, juvenile court has protections that provide consideration for youths charge with delinquency. Juveniles accused of delinquent acts have a right to a hearing in which they can confront their accusers. They can also call witnesses to offer testimony, offer testimony themselves or plead the Fifth Amendment, and they can question the validity and applicability of evidence against them.” (Joshua & Windy Ortega 2019). A lot of the times preferential treatment is justified under the reason that child offenders could be going through puberty and therefore their brain isn’t fully developed. That reason shouldn’t excuse what the did however, should be considered when deciding their sentence. Since youths usually are easier to imprint on than adults, rehabilitation programs should be provided to get the juveniles the help they need and hopefully prevent them from committing crimes as adults. Felony crimes however, shouldn’t be treated with an advantage. If the crime was so serious than they should be sentenced as an adult. Schmallager, Frank (2017). Criminal Justice 12th edition. Pearson Education.Ortega, Joshua & Windy (2019). Comparing Adult and Juvenile Criminal Court Cases. Ortega Law.————————-Dulce Ruiz According to Criminal Justice 12th edition juvenile and adult justice has two common characteristics, “They all turn on due-process guarantees specified by the Bill of Rights, and they all make the claim that adult due process should serve as a model for juvenile proceedings.” Juvenile and adults both have a right to an attorney, they have the right to cross-examine and confront the witnesses against them. The differences between juvenile and adult justice systems are, however, adults are prosecuted for “committing crimes,” while juveniles are prosecuted for committing “delinquent acts.” If those delinquent crimes are serious, such as murder, then the court system will decide if the juvenile should be charged as an adult. Then the juvenile will get tried in the adult crime system. Another difference is that juveniles are tried in an adjudication hearing instead of a trial with a public trial with a jury. In an adjudication hearing, a judge hears all the evidence, then decides whether the juvenile committed a delinquency or not. While the goal in adult justice system is to punish, in the juvenile system the goal is for rehabilitation and doing what is best for the minor. Every state decides at what age minors should be charged as an adult. I feel like minors should be charged as adults in certain serious crimes like murder and rape for example. As a teenager, one is bound to make mistakes, however, no matter how old one is, murder and rape are not crimes that are committed without the culprit putting thought into it. Sources cited Schmallager, Frank (2017). Criminal Justice 12th edition.

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