solved An annotated bibliography is a list of sources with notes

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources with notes about each source. Constructing an annotated bibliography helps you summarize each source to understand its main ideasevaluate each source for accuracy, quality, and relevancereflect on how and why your most promising sources will help you answer your research question. record publication information for your sources before drafting your research paperremember which sources you’ve consultedRequired elements1. Prewriting: Explore your sources.For each source, note your responses to the following questions:What is the purpose of the source? Who is the author’s intended audience?What is the author’s thesis? What evidence supports the thesis?What qualifications and expertise does the author bring? Does the author have any biases or make any questionable assumptions?Why do you think this source is useful for your project?How does this source relate to the other sources in your bibliography?2. Annotated Bibliography: Write an annotated bibliography with 6-10 entries.List each source alphabetically as you would on a Works Cited page. Include all necessary bibliographical information. For the exact bibliographic format, see 50b (Links to an external site.) (MLA)Under the bibliographical information for each source, write a short (100-150 word) entry that summarizes and evaluates the source. The summary of each source should state the work’s main ideas and key points briefly and accurately. The summary is written in the present tense, third person, directly and concisely. Start your summary by identifying the thesis and purpose of the source as well as the credentials of the source’s author. Summarizing helps you test your understanding of a source and restate its meaning responsibly.The evaluation of the source’s role and usefulness in your project should include an assessment of the source’s strengths and limitations, the author’s qualifications and expertise, and the function of the source in your project. Evaluating a source helps you analyze how the source fits into your project and separate the source’s ideas from your own.Avoid using direct quotations. If you do borrow a word or two from the source, be sure to enclose it in quotation marks.Format your annotated bibliography properly (MLA). You can find an example annotated bib here: (Links to an external site.) Or here: (Links to an external site.) Use a hanging indent (each entry begins at the left margin; subsequent lines indent 1⁄2″)Each annotation begins on a new line and is indented 1⁄2″.Double-spacing is used throughout, with no extra space between entries and no extra space between entries and their annotations.Suggested element:Revise: Ask reviewers for specific feedback. Here are some questions to guide their comments.Is each source summarized clearly? Have you identified the author’s main idea?For each source, have you made a clear judgment about how and why the source is useful for your project?Have you used quotation marks around exact words from a source?

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