solved Answer the following questions (a term bank is below the

Answer the following questions (a term bank is below the questions for your use):The __________________________________by Farid-Uddin Attar is an example of a _______________________. This is a common tool that the Sufis used to spread their teachings.Those that some call “intoxicated Sufis” were very keen on showing their commitment to the laws elaborated by jurists and on keeping their spiritual experiences hidden from the masses.T F3. In the Islamic Middle Period, the Muslim world had to withstand two important invasions, ____________________ from the Western side and the ___________________________ from the Eastern side.4. In 1453, the Ottoman ruler Shah Abbas the Great conquered the Byzantine capital Constantinople.T F5. The Safavids imposed Sunnism in Iran, starting in the 16th century CE.T F6. The _________________________ was a puritan movement in 18th century Arabia that used all kind of means, including violent ones, to clean up the religious practices that it perceived as un-Islamic.7. The Emperor ____________________ of the Mughal Empire pursued a policy of reconciliation between the various religious components of the Indian Sub-Continent and promoted the worldview of a universal religion of God (Din ilahi).8. The Ottoman Tanzimat are a series of military raids of the Ottomans against European interests in the 19thT F9. Syed Qutb is an example of a traditionalist Muslim scholar who believed in the separation of Islam and politics.T F10. The Turkish leader __________________ abolished the institution of the Caliphate in 1924.11. The so-called five pillars of Islam are often enumerated as 1)_____________, 2) ________________ 3)__________________ 4)__________________ and 5)___________________12. The Egyptian scholar _______________________ ,who was the official Mufti of Egypt, believed in the compatibility of Islam and modernity. That’s why many historians categorize him as a proponent of ________________________________________ 13. No feminist thinkers exist in the contemporary Muslim world because Islam and feminism are not compatible.T FExtra Point:In the Secret Son novel, what was the last task performed by Youssef before being fired from the hotel job that his father had originally helped him get?__________________________________________________________________Term BankSufi parable Parliament of the Birds Ascetics Ma`rifa (Esoteric/gnostic knowledge) Intoxicated SufisSober Sufis Fana’ (annihilation in God) Baqa’Tariqa Kashf (unveiling) Dhikr (Remembrance of God)Sama` (Music in Sufi rituals) Masjid (Mosque)Al-Mawlid (of the Prophet) Syncretism JihadThe Shi`ite Century The Sunni Revival The SeljuqsSlave soldiers Crusades Mongol invasionsOttomans Mehmet “the Conqueror” Sulayman “the Magnificent”Janissaries (army corps) Safavids Shah IsmailShah Abbas “the Great” Mughals Akbar “The Great”Movements of revival and reform The Wahhabi MovementColonialism Imperialism ModernityThe Ottoman Tanzimat Muhammad Abduh Ataturk Hasan al-Banna The Muslim Brotherhood Sayyid Qutb Islamists Islamic modernism

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