solved Answer these two questions. Note 0, 1A and 1B are

Answer these two questions. Note 0, 1A and 1B are attached.1. Reading AssignmentFor this homework, please read Note 0, Note 1A, and Note 1B. This will provide an overview of linear equations and augmented matrices. Write a few sentences about how the content in these notes relates to what you have learned before and what content is new.2. Reading ReflectionOur modern world is filled with information devices and systems, and we want to get you thinking about them! Think about your favorite devices. If you’re stuck, here are a few examples: cell phone camera, voice-activated speaker, heart rate monitor, vocal microphone, RADAR scanner. Write a short paragraph identifying the following:(a) How does this device physically sense and measure the real world?(b) What does it do with the information it senses?(c) Does this device have any actuators or other ways to respond to what it senses?(d) What are some applications where this device is used? Are there any alternate options we can use?e) What do you hope to learn about this device in this class?

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