solved Answering Behavioral Questions There are many different types of job

Answering Behavioral Questions
There are many different types of job interviews. Interviews can vary by style, types of questions, and other factors. Many interviewers use behavioral interview questions to evaluate how you might contribute to the company’s culture as well as its success.
Part 1 Instructions:
I have experience working in fast food, working in a call center, and working an office job. Using one of these experiences, choose one of the following behavioral interview questions and respond to it as you would during an interview:

Tell me about a time when you had to work with others. What was the situation and how did you respond?
Describe a time when you had to deal with others? Describe the scenario and how you handled the situation.
Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. What was the situation and how did you respond?

In your response, include the following:

A detailed description of your response to the question asked in your selected situation/scenario.
A comprehensive list of the approaches you have or would use to respond to the questions asked in your situation/scenario.

In addition, describe the “selling points” you are trying to make in your response to the chosen question.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format and in-text citation.
Respond to the peer’s response to their chosen question (below).

Share the situation you would describe if you were asked the same question (if it is not a different question, share another situation you could use for that question).

Comment of their list of approaches to their chosen scenario.
Do you agree or disagree with those approaches?
Which approach(es) should they highlight in their interview response?

Consider their selling points and suggest another way they could use their answer to this question as a selling point.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format and in-text citation.
Peer’s Response:
Hi everyone,
Describe a time when you had to deal with others? Describe the scenario and how you handled the situation.
I would not forget a couple of eventful shifts when I had to work with a difficult employee. During these particular shifts, I work with this employee who is famous for hiding when the patient’s call light goes off. On my first shift with the person, I answered all the call lights for her patients and mine. However, on my second day working with her, other employees told me that she is challenging to work with, for she hides when a patient calls for help. Despite hiding in empty and supply rooms, she pretends as if she was busy with a patient. She also puts her Vocera on do not disturb (DND) mode to lose communication with her. I finally decided to find her and addressed the issue with her before letting the charge nurse know.
A comprehensive list of the approaches you have or would use to respond to the questions asked in your situation/scenario.
The approach I used to handle the issue was to talk to the employee that everyone is aware and why teamwork is good for success. “Employees who work in a collaborative manner with others and who are able to work effectively within a team context can provide the strength, structure, and resiliency to deal with work complexities and changes” (Huber, 2013). Though I discussed with her, she was not cooperative to work as a team player, and the charge nurse resolved the issue. I have never worked with her since those eventful shifts.
Describe the “selling points” you are trying to make in your response to the chosen question.
The “selling points” I am trying to make in response to the chosen question is my soft (communication skills). According to Travis et al. (2017), communication is essential for managing difficult employees. When there is open communication, and the employee knows exactly what is expected of them, problems could become minimal.”
Huber, D. (2013). Leadership and Nursing Care Management. [Bookshelf Ambassadored].…
Travis, T., Sarah, S., Bharat, M., & Jitendra, M. (2017). How to manage difficult employees. Advances in Management, 10(1), 1-6.…

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