solved Argument Essay with Sources (minimum of four sources)CHOOSE ONE OF

Argument Essay with Sources (minimum of four sources)CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS THE ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY MUST BE 4 PAGES PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS A ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY Write an argument essay on one of the following topics. Be sure to include a clear thesis statement and adequate, logical support: minimum wage, social security, capital punishment, erosion of individual rights, global warming, reactivating the draft, homeland security, stoplight traffic cameras, health care, welfare, separation of church and state, First Amendment rights.Read the Martin Luther King essay “The Ways of Meeting Oppression” (p. 467). Consider the changes that have occurred in the years since King wrote this famous essay. How have laws, demographics, and attitudes changed? Does the country still fall short of the racial equality envisioned by King? Write an essay that makes an argument about what still needs to be done to fulfill King’s dream.Write an essay in which you argue in favor of measures that could be taken on your high school or college campus to make it more climate/environment-friendly. Considers aspects such as energy saving measures, carbon dioxide emissions, air quality, waste and recycling, and other factors.4.. Read Kristof’s essay (p. 553) and then write an argument of your own calling for a specific action on the issue of animal cruelty. How can farmers adopt more acceptable practices to stop animal cruelty?5.. The cover of the November 29, 2010 issue of TIME magazine asked the question, “Who needs marriage?” Some marriages are successful and endure; others go wrong and end in divorce. Write an essay in which you argue on behalf of marriage as a religious and social institution or argue against marriage as an outdated and unnecessary custom in our modern world. You may include information from source material, but also include your own experiences and observations to support your argument.6. Immigration is currently a huge topic of debate. Based on what you know about those who enter the country on work permits, student permits, visas, green cards and so forth, is their primary purpose to become Americanized or assimilated? The U.S. depends upon the work and contributions of immigrants, but some feel that the borders should be closed and immigration greatly restricted. Write an essay that makes your own argument about immigration and the contributions of immigrants.7. The Discovery Health channel has shown numerous programs about plastic surgery. They document the changes in the profession, the costs, the reasons people choose cosmetic surgery, and so forth. You may want to do some research on the advances that have been made in the field of plastic surgery and how people have used it to improve or change their appearance. Write an argument about whether or not plastic surgery should be used for cosmetic purposes or for corrective purposes, or both.8.. In her essay on page 576, Tangney writes, “As the costs of incarceration mount and evidence of its failure as a deterrent grows, judges understandably have begun to search for creative alternatives to traditional sentences.” Do punishments really act as deterrents? Are some punishments more effective than others? Do some research on the topic of prison sentences and the effectiveness of incarceration. Write an essay in which you argue that the types of punishments used today: a) do or do not act as deterrents, b) are or are not effective, c) should or should not include public shaming, d) should be changed in some specific way.9.. Should convicted sex offenders be required to register with local authorities even though they have already served their prison sentences? Do people have the right to know the identity of any sex offenders living in their neighborhood, or is this an invasion of privacy? You may want to do some research on this topic and write an essay arguing for or against the existence of sex offender registries. 10..At the end of her essay, Schlumpf (p. 594) argues that “it’s better to tell the world who you are based on your values rather than where you shop, or who your favorite band is.” Reflect on what you tell the world about who you are on social media, and then write an essay that argues your own position on how people should represent themselves online.11.Refer to Corvese’s essay on page 599, where she writes “I support One Billion Rising, but I also support taking action above and beyond passive acts.” Also refer to Pfeifle’s essay on p. 604, about the online campaign against Joseph Kony, a Ugandan warlord charged with abducting tens of thousands of children. How do you think the organizers of One Billion Rising and the Invisible Children video would answer Corvese’s critique? Write an essay that addresses some of the concerns about such movements and about the power of online activism or lack thereof. 12. Do some research about the topic of “citizen journalism.” Write an essay that makes an argument about the role of citizen journalism in modern society. Be sure to include lots of specific examples to develop your essay.13.Do some research on the use of torture, and write an essay arguing that if we are going to use torture, we should at least be up front about it, OR if we are not going to use torture we should mean what we say by prosecuting anyone who engages in it. Determine what evidence you will need to support your argument, do some research and find some source material on the topic to include in the essay.

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