solved As a future leader it is important to recognize the

As a future leader it is important to recognize the assets within your stakeholders to promote strong school community ties to create a welcoming environment inclusive of all identities and to improve learning outcomes Throughout the course you will develop activities to identify, engage, and collaborate in equitable ways with those invested in the education of students. You will develop a measurable and actionable collaboration plan to promote learner success using the course template to engage (1) family and (2) community.
You will write an overall specific measurable attainable relevant time bound (S.M.A.R.T.) goal for school-family-community (SFC) engagement tied to your school improvement goals (video on Canvas how to write). In addition, you will write a rationale on the relationship between student outcomes and school-family-community engagement supported by course readings.
Each week’s readings and activities support you completing the four cornerstones of the action plan: (1) Equitable engagement practices, (2) Bridge relationships, (3) Transform Curricular Efforts, and (4) Alignment of policy & resources. It is strongly recommended that you complete tasks each week within your action plan. For example, in session two you will find essential questions to consider as you are reading. Then on the course collaboration template you will find the following:
Goals (How does school and community tie to your school improvement plan?): Write a goal for family and community engagement that supports your school goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, & Time Bound-S.M.A.R.T.)
Rationale (answer): What does the research say about the relationship between student outcomes and school-family-community engagement?
You will provide an answer on the template that exhibits clear succinct graduate level writing reflective of the literature. You must cite all work in APA 7th. If you are not familiar with APA 7th it is important you contact the UNF Writing Center to support your success. Please read my policy on plagiarism.
Your plan must consider the questions posed in the cornerstone and address all four cornerstones inclusive of all identities (Race, ethnicity, language, (dis)ability, social economic status, religion, gender, social orientation). The plan should be specific and action orientated with each column of the plan filled out: (1) Activities, Practices, Policies (Cite source), (2)Person Responsible, (3) People/groups to collaborate with (4) Timeline (5) Resources (what do you need to support this action), and (5) Evaluation (How will you measure success?). The final plan should speak to a minimum of 12 leadership activities/actions in each of the four cornerstones. It should also consider what capacity or learning to support staff towards equitable engagement.
No two plans should or will be alike as context matters. Beyond the course readings, I have assembled various resources to support you develop the plan. You may incorporate items from the course resource page or you may use other resources to address each cornerstone. Yet all plans must be written to increase equitable engagement to increase outcomes tied to your school improvement goals, site goals, or district. Further, your plan must demonstrate knowledge drawn from course readings. The readings were chosen with intentionality to cast an equitable lens on the topic.
There will be periodic check-ins of your plan due on Canvas. It is imperative as a leader that you meet deadlines. Therefore, you must submit your work on time and at A level the first time on the due date. Please read my policy on late work.
Your final plan will be due on Canvas July 18th or before by 11:59 p.m. Your final submission should be reflective of any feedback given on prior portions submitted during check ins. If you fail to incorporate or address feedback your grade will be reflective of your choice.

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