solved As previously mentioned in Module 1, Contingency/Emergency Action Plans are
As previously mentioned in Module 1, Contingency/Emergency Action Plans are developed by Emergency Managers with the focus directed on covering all perceived or actual vulnerabilities that could that could be destroyed or damaged during a natural or manmade disaster. Â Â Due diligence by Emergency Managers executing well-constructed contingency will make this happen. Â However, sometimes issues may surface that may have been overlooked by planners in designing these contingency plans.
For this assignment, you were directed in Module 3 to prepare and submit a draft of a contingency/emergency action plan.  Your instructor provided feedback, and guidance on the draft.  Furthermore, you were also directed to converse with your city or county’s emergency management team, schedule an appointment and present your concern(s) regarding the hazard or vulnerability you uncovered.  Please provided the date and contact information of the staff member you briefed and submit the final copy of your plan which incorporates any feedback from your instructor and the City or Country’s Emergency Management team that you met with.
It is advisable that you review the following in designing your plan:
Gosnell, Angela. (2015). Social Media’s Role in Disaster Response Expands. Emergency Management (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from…
(2013). Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 201 (Version 2). Retrieved from
(2011). CPG101: Process and Analysis Support Tool (Version 2.0) (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from…
Bullock, J.A., Haddow, G., and Coppola, D.P. (2017). Introduction to Emergency Management (6th Edition). Cambridge, MA Butterworth-Heinemann Publications.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4