solved As the number and variety of information and communication technology

As the number and variety of information and communication technology options continue to proliferate, teachers must discern appropriate digital literacy tools to meet the cognitive and technical skill needs of their students. Reading/Literacy specialists will need to evaluate these tools and collaborate with teachers on how to best use them for finding, creating, communicating, and evaluating content.
For this assignment, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to create a lesson plan for the students in your field experience classroom or your own classroom that incorporates at least one digital literacy activity or tool. The lesson plan needs to demonstrate your overall knowledge of literacy instruction.
Note: Remember this should be a lesson you have permission to implement with students in your field experience classroom during Topic 6. Share the lesson plan with your mentor teacher prior to teaching the lesson.
In addition to what is described on the template, include the following in the indicated sections of the lesson plan template:

Lesson Summary and Focus: Explain how foundational knowledge will be used to design evidence-based literacy instruction to meet the needs of individual students.
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Explain how digital technologies will be integrated in appropriate, safe, and effective ways for the group of students.
National/State Learning Standards and Learning Objectives: Select a grade level standard related to literacy and ensure there is a minimum of one learning objective related to digital literacy.
Multiple Means of Representation: Explain how foundational knowledge will be used to adapt and evaluate instruction that is differentiated to support all students with literacy development.
Multiple Means of Engagement: Explain how the relationship between reading, writing, and language in the development of literacy skills is addressed in your lesson plan. Students should understand, question, and analyze standards-based content.
Multiple Means of Expression: Create developmentally appropriate assessments and explain how they align to the content area standards and measure learning objectives.
Read Chapter 3.URL:
From Digital Consumption to Digital Invention: Toward a New Critical Theory and Practice of Multiliteracies
Read “From Digital Consumption to Digital Invention: Toward a New Critical Theory and Practice of Multiliteracies,” by Mirra, Morrell, and Filipiak, from Theory Into Practice (2018).
Read “Humanizing Digital Literacies: A Road Trip in Search of Wisdom and Insight,” by Rowsell et al., from Reading Teacher (2016).URL:
Read “7 Things You Should Know about Digital Literacies,” by Jacobson, Gilchrist, Head, and Lippincott, located on Educause (2019).URL: “Technology in the Classroom: What is Digital Literacy?” by Murray, located on (2019).
URL:…Explore the “Ten Digital Literacy Resources for Teachers” by Granata, located on the Education World Website.

here is our unit of study with the media digital literacy task beginning on page 89. I will attach some our our lesson plans that you can transfer information on to the COE lesson plan template.
You can use the standards in the Multiple literacies professional development proposal. Here is the lesson plan outline for the PSA Below, You can also use the learning targets I previously sent you for the last assignment . I have provided the last assignment you provided with the standards below. Use what you need.
here is the lesson plane we used for the PSA assignment WEEK 5: (APRIL 19-23) LEARNING TASK: MEDIA PRESENTATION
Learners will continue exploring the topic of the excess as they continue to analyze the two articles on the issue of people desiring to have more. Learners conduct short research to gather information from one to two sources about the same topic discussed in “Always Wanting More.” Analyze how different authors writing about the same topic shape their presentations of key information by emphasizing the different evidence or advancing different interpretations of facts.
Standards Addressed:
ELAGSE7RI9: Analyze how two or more authors writing about the same topic shape their presentations of key information by emphasizing the different evidence or advancing different interpretations of facts
ELAGSE74Lb: Use grade-appropriate Greek and Latin roots and affixes to demonstrate my understanding of word meanings.
ELAGSE7W7: I can conduct short research projects to answer a question, draw on several sources, and generate additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation.
ELAGSE7W8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively, assessing the credibility and accuracy of each source, and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021:
Opening Provocation: The teacher poses the question: “What is a PSA”? (show a PSA: RECYCLING WISHES
Learning Engagements:
TW: Introduces the concept of the power of multimedia when presenting information to an audience.
TW: Models how to do a google search to gather additional information on a topic using keywords and phrases and include multimedia sources.
SW: Search and evaluate the credibility of information gathered during their research on the topic of human consumption to excess.
SW: Catalogue and compose a bibliography of sources identified in their search
Closing: The teacher summarizes the day’s learning, reviewing the concept of digital literacy and evaluating the credibility of information gathered. Students share how they feel about the learning experience using a 3-2-1 exit ticket on google forms.
TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021:
Opening Provocation:
Learning Engagements:
TW: Explain that researching information on a topic is only the first step in addressing an issue. The next step is taking a stand. Explain that this week’s work involves creating a media presentation to build awareness for others on the topic/issue.
TW: Introduce a planning outline strategy for creating the learners’ media presentation on the issue

Introduce PSA Checklist google doc:

PSA Assignment
PSA Script Outline

TW: Divide learners into groups to work collaboratively in creating a PSA media presentation. The teacher will provide the guidelines for the presentation as well as the criteria for success.
SW: work with their groups to brainstorm ideas for the presentation
SW: complete initial planning for the presentation
Closing: During the session’s closing, the teacher will conduct a status check with each of the groups. Groups will share where they are and any roadblocks they may have encountered during the planning process. (HOW ARE THEY GOING TO SHARE?)
Opening Provocation:
Learning Engagements: Work Session
TW: Reviews the assignment criteria, including the PSA checklist document
TW: Create breakout groups for students to work on their projects–remind students to use all resources, including the initial two articles, when creating their presentation.
TW: circulate among the groups to provide assistance, support, and feedback throughout the learning process.
SW: Actively engage in the work session providing input to the project.
SW: complete the storyboard and script for their media presentations.
Closing: During the session’s closing, the teacher will conduct a status check with each of the groups. Groups will share where they are and any roadblocks they may have encountered during the planning process.
Opening Provocation: Doing the Work!
Learning Engagements:
TW: Share the session’s expectations (today is a work session where students edit and revise their presentations. Students can choose a variety of platforms to create their presentation, including Tik Tok, Google Draw, Youtube)
TW: Re-share the presentation rubric and explain the success criteria for the learning task, setting work time expectations.
SW: Using notes, storyboard, and script, students create their media presentations.
SW: Students complete their essay outline during the learning session.
Closing: The teacher closes the work session by reminding students of the learning and task expectations. Students use the Red, Yellow, Green status strategy to share how they feel about their PSA.
Learning Engagements:

Student Self-guided Learning Day


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