solved Assessment 1 Instructions: Framework for Data Management and Governance Plan

Assessment 1 Instructions: Framework for Data Management and Governance Plan (DMGP)Write a 3-4 page recommendation that describes and justifies a proposed data maintenance and governance plan (DMGP) framework. Include a diagram that visually represents the proposed framework.Data management is the management of data and its resources. It consists of developing and executing the policies, practices, and procedures to guide the proper management of data throughout an organization. One of the first challenges in managing data is identifying the organization’s core business processes and their relationship to data users, sources, and systems. As technology and health information systems become more sophisticated, challenges for effective data management increase. Data has become so critical to organizational business models that it is often considered an enterprise asset. Enterprise data management (EDM) is the ability to effectively process, integrate, and store data for the entire organization and its systems—or enterprise. In health care organizations, EDM consists of the accurate and timely transmission of different data sets to carry out business processes and clinical care.Data governance, the overall management of data integrity, security, and availability, also recognizes data as an asset. Data governance provides oversight for enterprise data management. It ensures all of the following best practices are in place: data control, data quality, authority, and decision making. In other words, enterprise data management resides within the data governance realm.Creating a framework or structure for data governance is critical to understanding how an organization manages data and to establishing enterprise information management strategies. The framework is also key to effective governance and oversight of the data, including addressing privacy and security concerns. A data governance framework needs to provide the structures and resources necessary to mitigate data management issues. For this assessment, you will assume the role of the Privacy and Security Manager for Independence Medical Center, part of the Vila Health System. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is keenly aware of the increase in the volume of data coming into the organization and has asked you to develop a data management and governance plan. Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Manage data from multiple sources.Describe enterprise information management.Distinguish data management from data governance.Competency 2: Recommend data integration strategy for multiple sources and data governance.Explain a data governance plan’s importance.Outline a data management and governance plan’s (DMGP) structure.Create a diagram that illustrates a DMGP’s framework and associated data sources.Competency 5: Communicate professionally in a health care environment.Create clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references.PreparationIn this assessment, you will be tasked with creating a data management and governance plan (DMGP) for Independence Medical Center, part of the Vila Health system. To create your DMGP, first view the following media piece to learn more about Independence Medical Center’s data needs. In this media piece, you will have an opportunity to talk with the risk manager, stakeholders, and various departments to learn about how Independence Medical center currently manages data from multiple sources within the organization. You will need to use information you learn from the media piece in your assessment. Vila Health: Framework for Data Management and Governance Plan | Transcript.InstructionsFor this assessment, you are Independence Medical Center’s Privacy and Security Manager. Based on the volume of data coming into the organization, your boss, the CIO, has asked you to review data from throughout the medical center and create a data management and governance plan (DMGP) based on your findings. You will start with a framework for the plan. This assessment consists of two parts.Part 1: RecommendationWrite a 3–4 page recommendation to the CIO in which you describe and justify your DMGP framework. When creating your recommendation, remember to keep in mind that you are managing data from multiple sources. The CIO has asked you to include all of the following headings and to answer all of the questions underneath each heading:Enterprise Information Management (1/2 page).What is enterprise information management?Why is it important?Data Governance (1/2 page).What is data governance?Why is it important?Data Governance vs. Data Management (1/2 page).What is the difference between data governance and data management?Framework for DMGP (1 1/2 to 2 pages).How does a DMGP help an organization manage and govern data from multiple sources?What DMGP structure do you recommend Independence Medical Center adopt?How, specifically, will your DMGP help Independence Medical Center manage and govern data from multiple sources? Conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs).What are the two or three major findings you want the CIO to remember from your recommendation?Note: Remember that health care is an evidence-based field. Be sure to support the points you make in your recommendation with multiple references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources. Part 2: DiagramCreate a diagram that visually represents your DMGP framework. Specify within your diagram all of the following:Data users: Consider types of users and stakeholders.Data organization: Include the types of data, the sources of that data, and the systems that provide the data.Data processes: Detail the processes, practices, and rules and reporting that you would recommend Independence Medical Center adopt to better govern and manage its data. Notes: Be sure that the information in your diagram is also addressed in your recommendation from Part 1.Use any software with which you feel comfortable to create your diagram. Examples include Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, et cetera. Additional RequirementsLength: 3–4 double-spaced pages, in addition to the diagram.Font and font size: Times Roman, 12-point type. APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Include a separate References page. Writing: Create a clear, well-organized, professional document that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Activity: Data Governance FrameworkDATA GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORKClick the linked Data Governance Framework title above to view a media piece. In this scenario-based interactive activity, you will see Independence Medical Center’s CEO press the organization’s CIO about his proposal to implement a data maintenance and governance plan (DMGP). The CEO wants answers to these questions:Why does Independence Medical Center need a DMGP?How will Independence Medical Center create and implement such a plan?What exactly will Independence Medical Center’s DMGP govern?You will have the opportunity to help Independence Medical Center’s CIO determine what topics he needs to cover with the CEO to answer these questions. This practice will serve you well as you complete the first assessment, which requires you to create a framework for Independence Medical Center’s DMGP.Activity: Data Governance FrameworkDATA GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORKClick the linked Data Governance Framework title above to view a media piece. In this scenario-based interactive activity, you will see Independence Medical Center’s CEO press the organization’s CIO about his proposal to implement a data maintenance and governance plan (DMGP). The CEO wants answers to these questions:Why does Independence Medical Center need a DMGP?How will Independence Medical Center create and implement such a plan?What exactly will Independence Medical Center’s DMGP govern?You will have the opportunity to help Independence Medical Center’s CIO determine what topics he needs to cover with the CEO to answer these questions. This practice will serve you well as you complete the first assessment, which requires you to create a framework for Independence Medical Center’s DMGP.Resources: Enterprise Information ManagementDearborn, J. (2013). Five steps to a complete enterprise data management strategy. Health Management Technology, 34(11), 14–15.Although older, this article’s approach is unique in its focus on enterprise data management strategy specifically in health care. This is worth the read.Expert Viewpoints on Enterprise Architecture | Transcript.McCann, L. F., Henciak, W. A., & Durand, E. (2016). Reinventing HIM as enterprise content management. Journal of AHIMA, 87(7), 34–38.Overview of Enterprise Systems | Transcript.

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