solved Assessment 2 Instructions: Data DiscoveryCreate an Excel spreadsheet that defines

Assessment 2 Instructions: Data DiscoveryCreate an Excel spreadsheet that defines data elements and formats that support enterprise information management and data integration. Write a data discovery report (4-5 pages) that identifies data quality issues and recommends strategies for addressing and preventing them.Health care organizations are constantly challenged to assess data quality procedures. Data entered into information systems often contains redundant data elements, disparate data, and inconsistent definitions. Health care technology, such as an EHR system, helps to improve data quality; however, it cannot completely eliminate data quality challenges.Data can be organized to identify trends, transforming raw data into useful information. Data discovery is a detection process that involves searching for trends, patterns, or specific items in a particular data set. It can also include identifying potential data quality issues and leveraging data mining techniques. Data discovery’s goal is to analyze data from different perspectives, summarize it, and use it to meet organizational needs.In this assessment, you will investigate potential data quality issues that pose a risk to Independence Medical Center and then propose recommendations to address these issues.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Manage data from multiple sources.Use various strategies to maintain clean data from multiple sources.Describe data quality issues when using multiple sources.Competency 3: Analyze the impacts of data warehousing.Explain data formatting issues when using and storing data from multiple sources.Competency 4: Analyze effects of database design and architecture in integrating and using various data sources.Create a spreadsheet describing data elements and formats supporting enterprise information management and data integration.Competency 5: Communicate professionally in a health care environment.Create clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references.PreparationDo the following to prepare to successfully complete Assessment 2 on data discovery:Review the work you did in Assessment 1, as it will inform the work you do in this second assessment.Conduct independent research on clean data characteristics. Consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide for research tips and help in identifying current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources. You will be using the information from the research you conduct to complete the assessment. Analyze Independence Medical Center’s Core Data Sets [XLSX]. Be sure to analyze all the tabs in the spreadsheet. InstructionsFor this second assessment, continue on in your role as Independence Medical Center’s privacy and security manager. Your boss, the CIO, is impressed with the work you did in recommending a DMGP framework for Independence Medical Center. (This is the work you completed in Assessment 1.) As is often the case in health care administration, good work is rewarded with more work. Various departments at Independence Medical Center have brought potential data quality issues to the CIO’s attention.As a result, you have a new task. Your boss wants you to conduct an investigation into potential data quality issues that could pose risks to the organization. You will evaluate Independence Medical Center’s core data sets from multiple data sources. After identifying the potential data quality issues, your boss has asked you to prepare a data discovery report in which you propose recommendations to help resolve the data quality issues you identified. As part of this process you will also create a spreadsheet that defines Independence Medical Center’s data elements and formats. This assessment consists of two parts. Part 1: SpreadsheetBased on your analysis of Independence Medical Center’s data sources, systems, and noted recommendations, create a spreadsheet to define data elements and formats. Do this in the Recommendations tab included in the Independence Medical Center’s Core Data Sets [XLSX] spreadsheet. Be sure to create your spreadsheet according to recommended data collection practices and formats that support enterprise information management and data integration.Part 2: Data Discovery ReportWrite a 4–5 page data discovery report that identifies potential issues related to enterprise information management and data integration based on all of the following:Your review of your proposed framework for a DMGP for Independence Medical Center from Assessment 1.Your research on the characteristics of clean data.Your analysis of Independence Medical Center’s core data sets.Your boss has asked you to include all of the following headings in your data discovery report and to answer all of the questions underneath each heading:Best Practices for Clean Data When Using Multiple Sources (1/2 page).What are the best practices for maintaining clean data when using multiple sources?Data Quality Issues When Using Multiple Sources (1 page).What data quality issues in general do organizations face when using multiple sources?What specific data quality issues appear in Independence Medical Center’s core data sets?Data Formatting Issues Related to Integration When Using and Storing Data from Multiple Sources (1 page).What data formatting issues related to integration in general do organizations encounter when using and storing data from multiple sources?What specific data formatting issues appear in Independence Medical Center’s core data sets?Recommendations for Data Sources, Systems, and Core Data Set Items (1 page).What are your top 3–5 recommendations for Independence Medical Center’s data sources, systems, and items to be included in its core data set? Be sure to include the rationale behind your recommendations.Conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs).What are the 3–5 key pieces of information you want your CIO to remember from your data discovery report?Note: You know that the CIO has a reputation for asking a lot of questions about how someone came to his or her conclusions. Be sure to include references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources throughout your data discovery report. Additional RequirementsLength: 4–5 double-spaced pages, along with the Excel spreadsheet.Font and font size: Times Roman, 12-point type.APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Include a separate References page.Writing: Create a clear, well-organized, professional document that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Activity: Data Quality CharacteristicsDATA QUALITY CHARACTERISTICSClick the linked Data Quality Characteristics title above to view a scenario-based interactive media piece. In this activity you will encounter three data quality scenarios HIM professionals are likely to encounter in the workplace and answer three questions about each scenario:What is the cause of the data quality issue?Which data quality characteristic applies to the issue?What recommendations would you make to correct this issue?This practice will serve you well as you complete Assessment 2, which requires you to identify a series of data quality issues that exist within a health care organization and then make recommendations to resolve the issues and prevent them from occurring in the future.Resources: Data Quality ModelDavoudi, S., Dooling, J. A., Glondys, B., Jones, T. L., Kadlec, L., Overgaard, S. M., . . . Wendicke, A. (2015). Data quality management model (updated). Journal of AHIMA, 86(10), 62–65.Resources: Data QualityData Quality in Data Mining | Transcript.Orlova, A. (2016). Addressing data, information, and record quality challenges through standards. Journal of AHIMA, 87(10), 64–69.

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