solved Assessment Information: Group Case Study Competitiveness, Strategy and Risk Management(7204TH

Assessment Information: Group Case Study Competitiveness, Strategy and Risk Management(7204THS) | Trimester 2, 2021 Page 2 of 4these organisations have substantial resources and would be considered large enterprises). You may selectany organisation from the sport, event, tourism or hospitality sectors, and the organisation can be fromanywhere in the world, but the organisation must have an English website and public records or articles inEnglish.In lectures and seminars, we will be practicing some aspects of the process of strategic analysis and how todetermine an appropriate course of action from a set of options. Overall, you will need to:Assume the essential scenario information, as provided below.Undertake a preliminary analysis of the situation facing your selected organisation, including a SWOT.Suggest a range of strategic options (i.e. methods that will allow you to achieve your stated objectives)and then evaluate the options according to the SFA (suitability, feasibility, acceptability) criteria.Present your findings and recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer in a formal written report.Furthermore, you should be covering the following points:Complete the Situation Audit (internal and external) by using appropriate frameworks and modelsprovided in prescribed course readings/lecture content. Analyse the information you haveindependently sourced (about your selected company) and the information provided to you about theexternal environment (remember to only use the information provided to you for the external scan, donot source your own information). Organise your analysis according to appropriate frameworks anddraw conclusions via the SWOT analysis.Moving forward, you need to provide an issue statement; a list of alternatives (i.e. your strategicoptions), address the SFA evaluation criteria that you have tailored for this particular scenario, conductan analysis of the major options according to your tailored SFA criteria and risk analysis; and finallyprovide your recommendations (including a very brief identification of expected implementation issues).ScenarioInformationThe first scenario issue is to assume that Corporate Social Responsibility is an increasingly important trend andthat the organisation wants to take a leadership position. The world is fast embracing new ways of doingbusiness through the debates on climate change, saving the planet, and businesses returning the goodwill ofsociety. Businesses, worldwide, are responding. In this scenario, the Board has advised the Chief ExecutiveAssessment Information: Group Case Study Competitiveness, Strategy and Risk Management(7204THS) | Trimester 2, 2021 Page 3 of 4Officer that CSR initiatives must be optimal for the organisation, and that they must adopt a clear CSRleadership position relative to direct competitors.Second, your organisation intends to use a non-organic growth strategy for 2018/19 and beyond. Thus,maintaining the status quo or cutting back is not desired. However, the Board has left it open whether thisshould be a high growth strategy or something lower depending upon market conditions prevailing through2019 and beyond. In addition, the scenario requires a growth commitment to a stronger presence in Asia. TheBoard hassignalled that any growth must be in Asia-Pacific (includes Australia).The final scenario assumption is that your organisation has received a serious proposal from three potentialpartners (CAA, Forrec and Multiplex). Details of all three organisations will be provided to you. You will exploreoptions relating to partnering with one of these three organisations. You must evaluate non-organic growthoptions for each of these three organisations and select the best option.You need to argue the merits and risks of each option. You also need to show how you reduced the list ofpossible non- organic growth options down to the final three (for example, you could consider mergers,acquisitions, or other non-organic growth options initially). That is, you should list six reasonable options outof the large number of possible options first, briefly show how you narrowed this to the last three, and thenevaluate the last three in detail. All options must incorporate growth. Methods of growth cannot be organic.Purchase of other organisations MUST be realistic.Internal details of three potential partner companies are provided together with an external environmentalscan. You do not need to undertake an external scan. However, you do need to conduct an internal scan onYOUR organisation. You are also required to analyse all data for your situation audit, SWOT and competitor and risk management evaluation.The partner company information, and information on the external environment will be provided via L@G.

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