solved Attacthed is the exact way on how to do it.https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.conten

Attacthed is the exact way on how to do it.https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.conten… FISH! PHILOSOPHY ASSIGNMENT
This book analysis will provide students an opportunity to explore the FISH! philosophy and the
applications to leadership and management in the workplace.
All work must be typed and submitted by the due date to be considered for full credit. See course
blackboard calendar for deadline and manner of submission.
Students will work independently to complete this assignment.
APA style including title page, running head, section headings, and reference page should be used.
Margins are 1” on all sides, the header is .5” from top, include page numbers, and use 12-point font.
Details and examples are available online – click on the writing format button in the left margin on
blackboard. Contact the instructor with questions.
Begin by reading the FISH! book posted in blackboard. Take notes to describe the setting and the core
concepts. Next, identify examples of the core concepts from your internship experience or from the 2
movies selected from the approved list posted on blackboard. Contact the instructor with questions.
Title page – required – prepare using APA style (see blackboard examples).
Introduction (use the headings listed; bold, no italics or colon or underlined)
This paragraph does three things: (a) grabs the reader’s attention in some way, (b) tells what you
are going to cover in the essay, and (c) how the information is organized (order of presentation).
This paragraph is 3-5 sentences long; indent first line, and double space.
Setting the Stage
Provide a brief summary of the story. What is the location? Who is involved? What is
The Fish! Philosophy
The Fish! philosophy involves 4 essential core concepts: Play, Make Their Day, Be Present, and
Choose Your Attitude. In your own words, describe each core concept as if telling a co-worker
who has not read the book then provide at least 2 examples for each core concept from your
internship experience/approved movies watched. Describe the examples in sufficient detail so the
reader can picture the scene THEN explain how the example matches the specific core concept.
Please start each core concept in a new paragraph.
Fish! based Management & Leadership
Leadership and management are distinct concepts that go hand in hand in the modern workplace.
Explain how the FISH! philosophy can impact each of the following: (a) management behaviors,
(b) leadership behaviors, (c) management processes, and (d) leadership processes. Please start
each response in a new paragraph. Hint: Review the slide posted on pg. 2
Follow-up Discussion
If you could speak with market employees about how FISH! core concepts affect the sport
manager’s (a) ability to influence staff members and (b) ability to achieve organizational goals,
how might they respond? Please start each response in a new paragraph.
This paragraph summarizes the key points of the essay. In other words, what do you want the
reader to remember? This paragraph is 3-5 sentences; indent first line, and double space.
Note: References – none required for this assignment
People often use the terms leadership and management interchangeably, but these concepts are not the
same thing. They do go together; yet, someone can be a good manager and a poor leader and vice
versa. The confusion is often grounded in the idea that leadership AND management involve (1) the
process of influence and (2) a focus on goal/outcome attainment

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