solved AUTONOMY group identification PRIVACY/CONFEDIENTALITY fulfillment WELL, BEING freedom from pa

AUTONOMY group identification PRIVACY/CONFEDIENTALITY fulfillment WELL, BEING freedom from pain and suffering SECURITY physical / mental capacity ACCOMPLISHMENT control of fear and anxiety SENSE OF BELONGING self determination FREEDOM FROM DESABILITY Personal fulfillment SEXUAL AND SPIRITUAL SUPPORT fear of invasion undefinedQuestion 2undefinedMatch the Massey’s Value Comforts with the respective categoriesundefined TRADITIONALISTS believe in a set of prescribed codes of actions that determines how a person behaves on the job, at home, and socially IN-BETWEENERS Accept the role of adapting to change and the creation of new systems that both provides and sustain CHALLENGERS recognizes and accept regulations, also make calculating assessments in regard to their personal needs SYNTHESIZERS appear to challenge standards unless conformity benefits their own personal requirements undefinedQuestion 3undefinedMatch the definition with the term.undefined RULE UTILITARIANISM general goodwill or love for humanity PRINCIPLEOF UTILITY seems to avoid the problem of exact quantification required in act utilitarianism AGAPE an action can be deemed to be right if it conforms to a rule that has been validated DEONTOLOGICAL THEORY the basic rightness or wrongness of an act depends on its intrinsic nature rather than on the situation or the consequences undefinedQuestion 4undefinedMatch the following definition with the termundefinedPromptsundefined NATURAL RIGHTS Right to bear arms PERFECT OBLIGATION Created through constitutional guarantees, legislative statutes, judicial review, and governmental agencies IMPERFECT OBLIGATION have inherent within them assigned correlative rights ORIGINAL POSITION rights to receive goods and services from another person, organization, or government LEGAL RIGHTS All individuals are free and equal A POSITIVE LEGAL RIGHT do not give birth to any right NEGATIVE RIGHT Equated to the law of God and found in form of Golden Rule RECIPIENT RIGHTS Right to a public education undefinedQuestion 5undefinedMatch the following definition with the termundefined INFORMED CONSENT contain the elements of disclousure, understanding, voluntariness, competence, and permission giving PATERNALISM the use of substances biomedically inert but th epatient feels are therapeutic BENEVOLENT DECEPTION the practitiones is allowed to intentionally withold information based on his sound medical judgment PLACEBOS intentional limitation of the autonomy of one person by another undefined STAGE 1REWARD AND PUNISHMENT individuals focus on rules, social order, and respect for authority STAGE 2INDIVIDUALISM AND EXCHANGE the child seeks to conform to the expected social conventions STGE 3 GOOD BOY AND GOOD GIRL commitment to the principles of equal rights, social justice, and respect for the dignity of all people STAGE 4 LAW AND ORDER children have not real understanding of values and accept the authority of others SOCIAL CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS the creation of the good society requires a social contract into which people freely enter to work for the benefit for all UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES children begin to recognize that other indivuduals heve their own interests undefinedDivine command ethics is a fourth type of theory that is often used in ethical debates. There is a divine being who has set down a finite series of rules that adherents claims can provide guidance to most moral desicionsundefinedTrueundefinedFalseundefinedQuestion 8undefinedMath the definition with the termundefinedPromptsundefinedDivine command ethics is a fourth type of theory that is often used in ethical debates. There is a divine being who has set down a finite series of rules that adherents claims can provide guidance to most moral desicionsundefinedTrueundefinedFalseundefinedQuestion 8undefinedMath the definition with the termundefined ALTRUISM children, age two to seven, are not particularly interested in or concerned with rules AMORAL PHASE occurs up to age two and the child is totally self-centered EGOCENTRY STAGE seems as old as the species itself VALUE COHORT events that happens and shape generations undefinedQuestion 9undefined0.84 PointsundefinedThe autonomy is based in 3 basic elements: Ability to decide, Power to act, and Respect for the autonomy of othersundefinedTrueundefinedFalseundefined.undefinedQuestion 10undefinedWhich of the following IS NOT a developmental process for moral reasoning outlined by Kohlberg?undefinedReward and PunishmentundefinedLaw and OrderundefinedIndividualism and ExchangeundefinedBad Boy/Bad GirlundefinedSocial Contract and Individual RightsundefinedQuestion 11undefined0.8 PointsundefinedWhich of the following IS NOT one of the Fletcher guidelines for making ethical choices?undefinedCourageous acceptance of the need to make desicions and acceptance of the consequencesundefinedProportionate goodundefinedConsideration of consequencesundefinedEnlarge choice and reduce chanceundefinedLess compassion for people as human beingsundefinedPriority of actual needs over ideal or potential needsundefinedQuestion 12undefinedWhich of the followings is/are Critism of Utilitarianism? undefinedImpossible to calculate all possible consequences.undefinedUsed to sanction unfairness.undefinedLack of sensitivity to special duties undefinedLack of respect for personsundefinedAll of the above

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