solved Bangladesh is one of the larger emerging and developing market

Bangladesh is one of the larger emerging and developing market economies EDME, which provide some of the biggest growth opportunities for international businesses. However, decision making in such markets is fraught with risk and much of this risk stems from poor quality of information upon which decisions are made. Enhancing the quality of such market information is therefore of paramount importance to the business manager. Obtaining and collecting market information in EDMEs like Bangladesh poses significant challenges for companies. This assignment requires you to select three of these generic challenges and discuss them in relation to Bangladesh. For each you must briefly describe the challenge; consider the risk it poses to effective decision making; and suggest ways that the risk might be reduced or overcome.In this assignment you are must first choose three potential challenges relating to gathering market information and conducting market research in the Bangladesh. For each you should describe the challenge; consider the risk it poses to effective decision making; and suggest ways that the manager might overcome the challenge and reduce this risk.

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