solved Based on the article by Rufat-Latre, Muller, and Jones (2010),
Based on the article by Rufat-Latre, Muller, and Jones (2010), debate the pros and cons of open innovation. Go to the “email” function in ecollege and identify whether you are in the first half of the class (it is in alphabetical order) or in the second half of the class. Hint, if your last name starts with the letter Z you are in the second half of the class. For those of you in the first half of the class, you are defending the position that open innovation is good and the right thing to do. For those of you in the latter half of the alphabetized list, you are defending why open innovation is bad and not a good idea. Whether you are for or against open innovation, be sure to mention the idea of Communities of Innovation from the Grimaldi, Cricelli, & Rogo (2012) article. Finally, support your perspectives with research and specific examples.
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