solved Based on the Learn items, what role does or should

Based on the Learn items, what role does or should cyber intelligence and counter intelligence play today? Discuss information warfare theory and application.  Provide an overview of high-level legal aspects both within the U.S. and internationally as they pertain to cybersecurity. Finally, discuss and defend your stance on the use of electronic data collection for law enforcement and or intelligence purposes.
Here is Shane’sBased on the Learn items, what role does or should cyber intelligence and counter intelligence play today? Following digitalization and today’s fast-paced technological environment, companies and people alike are spending a lot of time online doing various things. These include anything from social media communication to managing a business’s online transactions and gaining access to different transactional platforms. Having a continual internet connection has made committing crimes like identity theft, fraud, and other forms of criminal harm easier for criminals. An article in The Guardian reported recently that the internet giant Amazon had a severe security breach that allowed unauthorized access to millions of client passwords. On the other hand, the international technology company chose not to make public the specifics of the breach, just that it had corrected the problem and notified customers who had been impacted. Customers’ usernames and email addresses had been accidentally published on their site due to a technical error, they told them. Amazon is a renowned technological business, so security issues are the last thing anybody expects. Even in this one instance, there is a severe issue with security procedures all across the globe. An element of cyber security known as Danger Intelligence collects and analyzes information regarding current and prospective cyber-attacks that pose a threat to the security of a person or an organization, as well as its assets. Cyber threat intelligence is a part of cyber security. After that, the company uses the data to plan ahead of time and stay ahead of any dangers. As a result, firms are better equipped to deal with a security breach should one occur. Acquiring in-depth information about risks makes it easier to devise effective defenses. As a result, cyber intelligence provides a preventative defensive strategy. Because it reduces risk-related costs, Cyber Intelligence is very valuable for businesses. The reason for this is because a breach may result in data loss, reputational damage, and substantial post-incident restoration and remediation expenditures for a company (Johnson, 2015).Discuss information warfare theory and application.Deny, exploiting, corrupt or destroying the enemy’s information and functions is an example of Information Warfare. We may defend ourselves from such activities by safeguarding our military information and utilizing its functions.Provide an overview of high-level legal aspects both within the U.S. and internationally as they pertain to cybersecurity.According to the Information Technology Act of 2000 (the “IT Act”), cybersecurity is defined as the protection of information from unauthorized use or disclosure in computer resources, communication devices, or computers (Pichtel, 2016).Finally, discuss and defend your stance on the use of electronic data collection for law enforcement and or intelligence purposes.As a result of computer and cellular technology advances, agencies now have more capacity for data processing, information exchange, and communication. Law enforcement has developed methods to investigate crimes committed online due to society’s growing reliance on the Internet and computer-mediated communications.The bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:12 that “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything.”ReferencesJohnson, T. A. (2015). Cybersecurity: Protecting critical infrastructures from cyber attack and cyber warfare.Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN: 9781482239225King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. (Original work published 1769)Pichtel, J. (2016). Terrorism and WMDs (2nd ed
Here is Courtney’s postCyber Intelligence and Counter Intelligence            Cybercriminals are constantly developing more advanced techniques and technologies. This results in traditional defensive cybersecurity solutions being ineffective after a cyberattack has occurred (Duvenage & Solms, 2017). Therefore, organizations need to develop more offensive cybersecurity solutions to prevent cyberattacks from even occurring. One way this can be achieved is through cyber intelligence and counterintelligence, also referred to as cyber counterintelligence. Cyber counterintelligence is defined as measures to identify, penetrate, or neutralize foreign operations that use cyber means as the primary tradecraft methodology, as well as foreign intelligence service collection efforts that use traditional methods to gauge cyber capabilities and intentions. Cyber counterintelligence presents itself as an innovative approach that unifies active-passive and offensive-defensive approaches to fortify an organization’s infrastructure and protect against attacks (Duvenage & Solms, 2017). The overall role of cyber counterintelligence is to identify and prevent cyberattacks and protect critical intelligence from cyberattacks.Information Warfare Theory            Information warfare theory is an orchestrated effort to achieve victory by subverting or neutralizing an enemy command and control system, while protecting use of command- and- control systems to coordinate the actions of friendly forces (Taddeo, 2016). One application of information warfare theory can be viewed in Operation Dessert Storm. In order to gain air supremacy, a joint special operations aviation force opened a breach in radar coverage surrounding Iraq. The Iraqi command was unaware the breach existed until after the United States conducted an air strike on Iraq’s air defense headquarters bunker and three regional air defense centers (Taddeo, 2016). According to Taddeo (2016) information warfare has tremendous political, technical, operational and legal implications for the military.High-Level Legal Aspects            Legal aspects of cybersecurity examine the role of the law on all aspects of cybersecurity (Kasper, 2017). Within the United States, there are three main federal cybersecurity regulations. The three regulations are the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and the 2002 Homeland Security Act, which included the Federal Information Security Management Act (Kasper, 2017). Cybersecurity is also important internationally. For example, in India, the main legislation governing the cyber space is the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”) which defines cybersecurity as protecting information, equipment, devices, computer, computer resource, communication device and information stored therein from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, and disruption (Kasper, 2017).Electronic Data Collection            Data collection is a major step in the intelligence cycle, as it involves the gathering of information to be used in other stages of the process. Information can be gathered from open, covert, electronic, and satellite sources. However, electronic data collection should not be utilized for law enforcement or intelligence purposes. Electronic data collection relies on technology, which is susceptible to cyberattacks.Biblical Worldview            Cyber counterintelligence concerns protecting the United States from cyberattacks. The concept of protection is discussed throughout the Bible. For example, the Bible discusses the importance of protecting others from harm. One Bible verse states, “Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked” (King James Bible, 1796/2020, Psalm 82:4).ReferencesDuvenage, P. C., & Solms, S. (2017). Cyber counterintelligence: Back to the future. Journal            of Information Warfare, 13(4), 42-56., A. (2017). Legal aspects of cybersecurity. Regulating Technology, 12(7), 189-216.  James Bible. (2017). Crusade Bible Publishers. (Original work published 1796)Taddeo, M. (2016). Information warfare: A philosophical perspective. Philosophy &            Technology, 25(1), 105-120.

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