solved Based upon the lectures/ readings. This is like from Star
Based upon the lectures/ readings. This is like from Star Trek, but it is to get an answer from you. An observant Muslim member of the Star Trek team has landed on a faraway planet. They meet residents. who offer them food. What, ACCORDING TO THE READINGS AND LECTURES, should be the Muslim position?Pleae note that I have put a part of the instruction in upper case letters to indicate its importance. This means that your answer should be researched FROM THE READINGS. I make this point because from previous classes, I have found that some students get into “halaal” and “haraam” categorizations without actually knowing what those terms actually mean regarding food. For your elucidation, for a food to be “haraam,” the Qur’an has to specifically declare it to be so. This is not only a qur’anic direction: it is also legal logic. The law does NOT have to normally tell you what is allowed; rather it tells you what is NOT allowed.
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