solved By Day 5Respond to at least two colleagues from the
By Day 5Respond to at least two colleagues from the perspective of an interested stakeholder for the program by doing the following:Provide a brief description of the role that you are taking. Provide an evaluation of the group research design that they have chosen, and criteria that your colleagues have generated (choice of outcome and method of evaluation) from the perspective of the stakeholder whom you have chosen.Provide support based on your evaluationAsk questions about the plan for research design and the questions that the evaluation plan will address from your chosen perspective.CandancePost Your Explanation of Which Group Research Design and Data Collection Method from Those Outlined in The Resources You Selected as Appropriate for the “Social Work Research: Planning a Program Evaluation†Case Study and WhyAccording to McNamara (2006a) “program evaluation with an outcomes focus is increasingly important for nonprofits and asked for by fundersâ€. The group research design and data collection method that the writer would chose to initiate from those outlined in the resources for the case study in question would be the use of focus groups. The reason for this is that the organization at of the planned study has seven regional centers that operate fairly independently. The goal at hand is to initiate a new training program to standardize training and efficiency across the board but at this time there is no current literature on the training program that is being used (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014b). Because the centers operate independently an because there are not tons of data on the training program a focus group would be beneficial to determine what is working and what is not working at each center, and use this information to build upon the training program that is being initiated. Focus groups “explore a topic in depth through group discussion such as reactions to an experience or suggestion, understanding common complaints and are useful in evaluation and marketing†(McNamara, 2006a ). The information obtained through a focus group could provide valuable information that would assist in making the training program successful. Generate Criteria to Be Measured Using the Research Design by Identifying A Specific Outcome and A Method for Measuring That Outcome. Specify Who Will Collect the Data and How the Data Will Be Collected One of the primary goals of this new training program is to improve the quality of services delivered (Plummer, Makris, and Brocken, 2014b) this would be the criteria that would be measured using the focus groups. Focus groups can be difficult in terms of analyzing data and responses. However, the use of a focus group would allow for “quick and reliable common impressions, can be an efficient way to get a range and depth of information in a short time, and can convey key information about programs†(McNamara, 2006a). The data would be collected via open-ended questions and surveys to current staff members based on what they have seen and been taught thus far. The seasoned staff members would be the best source of information as they would have direct input from working with foster parents and encountered issues, comments, and concerns from foster parents and other staff members in areas such as ways to improve the delivery of the quality of services. The data would be collected from the two people who have now been identified as the designated trainers for all the centers and agencies as it is relevant for them both to know the information that is being obtained. ReferencesMcNamara, C. (2006a). Contents of evaluation plan. In basic guide to program evaluation (including outcomes evaluation)., S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].Sonterria Post your explanation of which group research design and data collection method from those outlined in the Resources you selected as appropriate for the “Social Work Research: Planning a Program Evaluation†case study and why.In the case of Planning a Program Evaluation, a new training program was implemented. One of the primary goals were to reduce foster placement disruptions, improving the quality of services delivered, and increase child well-being through better trained and skilled foster parents. A experimental research design would be an appropriate intervention for the foster care training program. The experimental group receives treatment, and the control group will not. When deciding on a data collection method, it is imperative that the researcher select a collection method that will gather information on desired outcomes.For the case study, I would suggest completing a case study collection method. Case studies are beneficial in fully understanding a client’s experiences in a program and conduct comprehensive examination through cross comparison of cases (McNamara, 2006a). In comparing cases of foster children, pre-training for those who were exposed to training, it will show the desired outcomes being sought. The control group will include families with no exposure to any form of training.Then, generate criteria to be measured using the research design by identifying a specific outcome and a method for measuring that outcome. Specify who will collect the data and how the data will be collected.A case study of several past foster care families would need to be reviewed and assessed on the desired outcomes of the training intervention of reducing foster placement disruptions, improving the quality of services delivered, and increasing child well-being through better trained and skilled foster families. Informants would include foster parents, teachers, and foster children for data collection. Once the first group of foster care families has completed their training and allotted the time has passed the next step would be to implement home based training.The same review will need be completed and compared to both case studies. Even though it would be a negative aspect of hiring an evaluation company, it would be appropriate in this scenario, so that the foster care agency can obtain an unbiased review of their new training program.ReferencesMcNamara, C. (2006a). Contents of an evaluation plan. In Basic guide to program evaluation (including outcomes evaluation)., S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
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