solved By the end of the module, you will be able

By the end of the module, you will be able to…
Identify the three theories of Economic Inequality (Conflict Theory, Functionalism, & Symbolic Interactionism)
Discuss the four theories of poverty
Differentiate between deficiency theories of poverty and structural theories of poverty
Examine poverty through the lenses of innate inferiority, cultural inferiority, Institutional discrimination, and the political economy of society
Evaluate the explanatory power of the above-mentioned theories of poverty
Define income and wealth
Examine the various and often conflicting explanations for income and wealth disparities
Discuss the cause of the racial wealth gap in American society
Examine the mechanisms, policies, and practices that perpetuate wealth inequality
Identify the three mechanisms through which banks impede non-whites access to homeownership
Evaluate the 3 structural causes of poverty
Explore the relationship between race and poverty
State and explain the 3 reasons why inner-city poverty became more severe and concentrated in the late 20th century
Discuss poverty on American Indian Reservations
Define and explain segmented assimilation theory
Explore how poverty impacts immigrants, the second generations, and the third generations
Examine racial discrimination in the labor market
Define the concepts of split-labor market and homosocial reproduction
Define environmental racism and environmental justice
Examine Flint Michigan’s water crisis as an example of environmental racism
To Do
Read: Thio: Theories of Economic Inequality
Read: Desmond: Race & Economics
Watch: Theories of Poverty Video Lecture
Watch: Race, Ethnicity, & Economics Video Lecture Part 1
Watch: Race, Ethnicity, & Economics Video Lecture Part 2
Watch: Race, Ethnicity, & Economics Video Lecture Part 3
Watch: Tim Wise Video: On White Privilege
Watch: Youtube Video: Wealth Inequality in America
Read: Bullard: Environmental Justice in the 21st Century
Read and Listen To: Environmentalism-Flint’s Water Crisis
Read and Listen To: The Racist Roots of Flint’s Water Crisis
Read and Listen To: Racial Demographics and Pollution Levels
Participate on Job Discrimination Discussions
Complete and Review Module 3 Study Guide
Take Quiz (29 questions)
1. Job Discrimination Discussion Posts
In this module, we discussed the various ways that people of color are discriminated against in the labor market, particularly when trying to obtain employment. These forms of discrimination include but are not limited to, racial discrimination based on name, racial discrimination based on address, discrimination based on the intersection of race and criminal record, racial and ethnic considerations in the way society values jobs, interpersonal racism, homosocial reproduction, etc. Choose 2 ways that racial and ethnic minorities are discriminated against in the labor market and propose and explain 2 practices and / or policies to combat these forms of discrimination. You must start 1 thread and respond to 3 classmates.
– 3 peer responses

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