solved Case Study 2: Issues in Higher Education undefinedUse APA 7

Case Study 2: Issues in Higher Education undefinedUse APA 7 assignment template for all assignments.undefinedPart 1undefinedPost a description of the work you are doing in your professional practice. Also, expand on your work-related experience, so you and your colleagues can get to know one another and begin building a network with each other as you journey through your program.undefinedThen, explain what motivated you to pursue an advanced graduate degree in education, and identify three topics of interest in fields related to education that ignite your passion. Finally, explain why these topics are important to you.undefinedPart 2undefinedSubmit a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following:undefined A description of the experiences and motivations that have led you to pursue an advanced graduate degree. An explanation of how the three topics you addressed in the Discussion relate to issues in education. A description of a problem related to each issue—a problem you would want to help solve. At least two goals you hope to accomplish as a result of obtaining your degree. An explanation of how your pursuit of the topics you identified can enable you to become an agent of positive change. Provide specific examples. undefinedPart 3undefinedSubmit a 2- to 3-page analysis of the case study in which you:undefined Identify at least two key stakeholders and explain their relevance to the issue described in the case study. Explain at least two problems associated with the issue. Pose at least three questions that will help you gain a better understanding of the issue. Explain how you would proceed to obtain the answers to your questions. undefinedPart 4undefinedPost your position on the issue described in the case study. Provide at least three points to support your position.undefinedPart 5undefined Explains what you discovered about the issue from the debate and from the resources you located for this Discussion. Identifies answers to the questions you have raised about the issue Identifies new questions you have about the issue. Explains how you might apply the critical analysis and research skills you have practiced this week to your role as a student and as a professional. undefinedPart 6undefinedPost the stakeholder role you are assuming. Then, post an explanation of how you, in the particular role you are assuming, might respond to the new information in the articles you found and in Document Set 2 (Documents 5–8) for your case study. In your explanation,be sure to:undefined Evaluate whether the new information is based on reliable sources, and whether the information is relevant to the issue. Explain your position on the case study issue from the perspective of the role you are assuming and how this new information informs this position. Explain the steps you might take to follow up on this information based on your role and your position on the issue. undefinedThroughout the Discussion, add support for your position, or add to the knowledge base on the issue by finding and sharing additional resources related to the issue you are discussing.undefinedPart 7undefinedIf you have not already done so, download the “Research Article Organizer” Excel document from the Toolkit to your computer. This tool will guide you when identifying key elements of research articles as well as key information.undefinedApply the tool to each of the four articles you found in order to identify key elements and key information in each article.undefinedJust make up something for this discussionundefinedSubmit 2–3 paragraphs that evaluate your experience with the tool. Assess the extent the tool benefited you in organizing and summarizing information. Include the modifications you made (or could make) to the tool to make it more useful to you. Explain why these modifications are beneficial.undefinedPart 8undefinedPost how you would narrow a topic from each of the three issues by identifying a problem for each issue that can be researched. Identify one piece of key information you discovered in a scholarly resource about each problem. Then, create problem statements that concisely define the scope of how you will research each problem.undefinedPart 9 undefinedSubmit a 2- to 3-page document in which you:undefined Explain the simple message related to your case study that you wish to communicate. Create three written communications—one for each of the three audiences you identified—using the appropriate type of writing for each context. (Each written communication should be approximately two paragraphs long.) Explain why different types of writing are appropriate for different audiences, stakeholders, or both. Provide specific examples. undefinedPart 10undefinedFor Part 1 of the Discussion, post a description of the characteristics of an effective leader of change by providing specific examples from your own experience with leaders. Explain why leaders need to have these particular characteristics to effectively initiate change. Be sure to include a reference to the scholarly resource you identified on change leadership, and explain how the reference relates to your post.undefinedBe careful not to identify anyone by name. The emphasis in the assignment is not the individuals themselves; instead, it’s how you perceive their leadership skills and approaches.undefinedTo prepare for Part 2 of the Discussion, reflect on the problem statements you discussed in the Module 4 Discussion, and select one problem statement to address for this part of the Discussion. Think about the key stakeholders in relation to your problem statement, and consider why these stakeholders are relevant to the problem. What questions, related to the problem, might you ask these key stakeholders? undefinedIn determining key stakeholders, you might ask yourself:undefined Who will I need to obtain approval from in order to explore this problem? As it pertains to stakeholders, what are the risks and benefits of exploring this problem? Who will I need to involve as participants in exploring this problem? How will the possible outcomes of exploring this problem positively or negatively impact the stakeholders? undefinedFor Part 2 of the Discussion, post the key stakeholders related to your selected problem statement with an explanation as to why these stakeholders are relevant to the problem. Then, identify at least four questions about the problem that you would like stakeholders to respond. Finally, explain why the responses may be important in order to understand and address the problem.undefinedPart 11undefinedSubmit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you identify the change you would like to implement and explain the plan you would use to bring about the change.Be sure to address all the topics outlined in the template: goals, actions, time frame, stakeholders, and an evaluation strategy. Also include relevant resources that you have located in the library. Note the strategies you, as a leader in education, would take to facilitate change related to the problem you identified. Explain your rationale for the strategy you are proposing.undefinedPart 12undefinedIn addition, think about the specialization you plan to pursue. What professional roles are associated with the degree path and specialization you have selected?undefinedFor this Discussion, select one of the professional roles associated with your degree and specialization. How might you address the problem in the case study based on this professional role?undefinedBy Day 3 (of Module 6)undefinedPost a description of the professional role you selected and an explanation of how you would address the problem in the case study from the perspective of this role, and why.undefinedPart 13undefinedFor Part 1, write a brief description of the degree path and specialization you believe you are planning to pursue. Then, explain at least two strategies you are likely to use to build a network with colleagues, and explain why these particular strategies would support a professional collaboration.undefinedPart 2: Next StepsundefinedIn this module’s Discussion, you assumed a professional role associated with your degree path and specialization. In your post, you explained how you might approach the case study problem from the perspective of this role. In Part 1 of the Assignment, you wrote a brief description of the degree path and specialization you intend to pursue. For this part of the Assignment, you will explain how you might approach a topic that excites you based on the degree path and specialization you are pursuing.undefinedWhen you began this course, you identified topics that rouse your passion. You also began considering how obtaining an advanced graduate degree might help you make a difference in one of these areas. Address one of these topics for this Assignment.undefinedBe sure to review the Degree Path Road Map to consider how professionals with different degrees address education-related problems. Reflect on how you might approach a problem related to your selected topic from the perspective of the degree path and specialization you are pursuing.undefinedFor Part 2, based on this reflection, identify two goals—one personal and one professional—that will support you as you continue on your chosen degree pathway. undefinedBy Day 7 (of Module 6)undefinedSubmit a 3- to 4-page paper in which you accomplish the following:undefined Write a brief description of the degree path and specialization you plan to pursue. Then, explain at least two strategies you are likely to use to build a network with colleagues and explain why these particular strategies would support a professional collaboration. Explain how you might apply the perspective of your degree pathway and specialization to a problem related to a topic that demonstrates your passion. Identify two goals—one personal and one professional—that will support you as you continue on your chosen degree pathway. Explain how these personal and professional goals inform your approach to a problem related to your topic.

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