solved Chapter 11 revisits some contributing factors to the persistent issue

Chapter 11 revisits some contributing factors to the persistent issue of racial and ethnic disparities, including immigration. Please refer to your readings, lecture notes, the video for review and the websites provided to answer and discuss the following questions:

What do you recommend our culture do in an effort to embrace diversity and the immigration process?
What changes should the criminal justice system make in order to ensure Due Process under the Law for all?
What support can be given to rebuild the relationships between the community and police?


In order to embrace diversity and the immigration process there should be projects and programs to help these immigrants feel welcomed to our country and help those who receive racial disparity. They need to feel like they belong here and the way to do that is to bring them together in these programs and celebrate who they are.
When coming to a decision of an offender , before this the jury should be an even number of races. So for an example of the defendant is an African American there should be an even number of African Americans and whites in the jury. It only creates fairness. In today’s society even back then African American face racism especially from white. If the whole jury is a bunch of white people of coarse they’ll find the African American man or boy guilty. You can never know how many of those jurors are racist towards African Americans. So having those balanced jurors gives a fair trial.
In order to rebuild relationships with the community and police is to build that trust. The community needs to feel like they can trust the police not be afraid whenever they come across them. If these officers interact with the community more and act like friends rather than these higher up people who can arrest them at any time the community would not feel threatened by them. It’s the same thing as building trust and a relationship with a new person you just met. Not only that but instead of officers being cruel to their citizens there needs to be more generous officers.

I think courses like this course for example really helps bring to light the discrimination that is present whether conscious or not. “The issue of unconscious bias has been most widely discussed with regard to policing. The fair and Impartial Policing project offers training for police departments,” (Walker, et al., 2018, pg. 515). I think if schools started offering courses like these at a younger age to show that we are all equal and not better than one or the other that it would help to educate kids at a younger age. Unfortunately, I think older generations will be stuck in their ways that they are in now. They are too old for change and have that mindset. But I think it is important to start with children because they are our future. We need to accept people instead of turning people away that’s how we as a whole grow. I think there are right procedures and the procedures do need to be followed in the immigration process. I think the criminal justice system to ensure due process for all is to make mandatory sentences. I think by having mandatory maximum or minimum sentences for crimes will help to deter the amount of sentencing disparity that happens between races and ethnicities. I think the media could play a big part in rebuilding the relationships between the community and the police and criminal justice system. “Strong relationships of mutual trust between police agencies and the communities they serve are critical to maintaining public safety and effective policing,” (U.S. Department of Justice Community Relations Service).If the media could show this book in a shorter summary, then I think that could rebuild the relationships. “One major contribution of this book is our effort to disentangle the misunderstandings that exist with regard to race, ethnicity, and the justice system and to gain a clearer understanding of the complex reality of both the American society and the criminal justice system,” (Walker, et al., 2018, pg. 512). I think if media were to highlight positive things that officers do in the community instead of only negative things that could help rebuild the relationship. Another way to rebuild the relationship between police and the public could be for the agencies to promote more diversity within the profession. “When an agency creates an environment that promotes internal fairness and respect, officers are more likely to demonstrate these qualities in their daily interactions with the community,” (U.S. Department of Justice Community Relations Service).

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