solved Chapter 7 of the textbook describes the role of marketing

Chapter 7 of the textbook describes the role of marketing plan and the importance and effect of marketing planning on integrated marketing communications (IMC). Using the text for support, address the following items:

Explain what the IMC approach entails, specifically with regard to marketing and advertising planning.
Describe how IMC needs both inside-out and outside-in perspectives.
Find a company and discuss the four sources of brand messages for that company (i.e., planned messages, product messages, service messages, and unplanned messages).

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and be supported by your textbook and at least one professional or academic source. Your post must also be organized using APA style headings as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Question 2:
The most effective advertisements begin with a creative strategy. To develop a creative strategy, many advertisers use the Creative Pyramid as a guide. For this discussion, review Chapter 8 of the textbook and address the following:

Describe the creative pyramid and each of its five levels.
Explain how the creative pyramid is related to the advertising pyramid.
Locate an example of a still-image advertisement (e.g., a billboard, magazine advertisement, social media advertisement, etc.) that exhibits the principles of the creative pyramid. Include the advertisement in your post as either a link or an attachment. (Remember to create a reference entry and cite the source for the advertisement you select.)
Describe where the elements of the creative pyramid are used in the advertisement, referring to Exhibit 9-2 (p. 224) for an example.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and be supported by your textbook. Your post must also be organized using APA style headings as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Question 3: 
This assignment is the first step for your Final Paper in this course. Select one advertisement for a global product (i.e., a product that is marketed in more than one country).
In your paper

Describe the four types of segmentation strategies (i.e., demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral). (Refer back to your readings in Week 2.)
Explain which types of segmentation strategy are used in the advertisements and why.
Evaluate how effectively the advertisement utilizes creative strategy as discussed in the “Writing the Creative Strategy” section in Chapter 8 of your text.

Note: The advertisement you use for this assignment can be from any medium (e.g., social media, TV, print, radio, etc.) of your choice. However, you will be required to use the same medium for your Final Paper in Week 5.
The Evaluating Advertisements Paper

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