solved Comm 452: Interaction and Gender Gendered Activism Essay For this

Comm 452: Interaction and Gender
Gendered Activism Essay
For this 2-3 page, double-spaced essay***, I am asking you to theorize a gendered and/or feminist project proposal. In other words, I want you to think about a compelling/important gendered issue, demonstrate that it is a problem or needs attention, then come up with a way to help solve the problem.
First, what gendered issue that we have discussed, will discuss, or that you have researched, is most important to you personally? Make sure to adequately define the issue and demonstrate (with relevant and adequate evidence – including citations), that this is a serious issue that demands attention. 
Next, come up with one or two ways in which this issue can be tackled. It is not enough to state that you will simply “raise awareness.” Your goal is to present realistic action plans that can be enacted by yourself and a group to help alleviate the issue. It is not necessary to completely solve or eradicate the problem, but it should be a small step toward making a difference. In your research, see what other groups and organizations invested in this issue are doing. Think about how you might partner with local affiliate groups, whether on the campus, that could help make that happen.

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