solved Compose an introductory message to your survey participants. The survey

Compose an introductory message to your survey participants. The survey will be about work insecurity and if it has a negative affect on job performance, mental health, job satisfaction and managerial support. Use the
following guidelines to compose your message: Include a greeting and an introduction.
ï‚· Write a brief description of the survey to include:
“The survey is very brief and will only take about X minutes to complete. Please click this link [add URL] to go to the survey website, or copy and
paste the link into your internet browser.”  Confidential and voluntary information required to be included prominently when students see surveys:
“Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You may refuse to take part in the research or exit the survey at any time without
penalty. You are free to decline to answer any particular question you do not wish to answer for any reason. All of your responses will be kept
confidential. No one will be able to identify you or your answers, and no one will know whether or not you participated in the study.”  Include a motivational message encouraging participation:
“As a university student, you are part of an organization with a mission to create and increase knowledge. Research is the best strategy for
obtaining complete, unbiased answers to all sorts of important questions. You are also likely to have many opportunities in your life after SNHU
to participate in research or to make decisions about research participation for your family members. Therefore, we hope that you will take
advantage of participation in university research to contribute to new knowledge and gain some basic understanding of how research is done.”
ï‚· Reducing the Potential for Students to Experience Coercion
In the rare instances in which recruiting from one’s own class is permissible, researchers are expected to minimize the potential for students to
feel pressured to participate. There are various strategies for minimizing the potential pressure to participate. One way that researchers have
reduced the potential for perceived coercion is to design the study so that the instructor is blind to the identity of the participants (at least until
after the grades have been assigned). For example, a research collaborator can run the study and keep any identifying information from the
instructor. If a researcher designs a study in this way, two points are crucial:
 BEFORE being asked to participate, potential subjects should be informed that the instructor will not know who did and who did not
participate (at least until after final grades have been assigned).
 The research should be designed so that the instructor cannot infer who participated through indirect means (e.g., by seeing who walks
into a laboratory, by getting a list of who earned credit for participating in the study).

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