solved Consider the business (Home Health Care Staffing Agency for providing

Consider the business (Home Health Care Staffing Agency for providing Physical Therapy) you’re creating for this class, and the types of people you need to make it successful.
Answer the following questions in your first post:
1. What 3 qualities would you would want in an employee for your healthcare facility, and why did you choose those?
2. What are 3 qualities that you would NOT want, and why?
3. Describe 3 strategies that you would use to retain your employees at your healthcare facility. Be creative—think beyond vacation time, pay, and health insurance.
Respond to at least two classmates with the following:

Find a classmate whose listed qualities you disagree with and explain why you disagree, and/or comment on the retention strategies chosen by your classmates.

Student 1:
Hi class,
1.What 3 qualities would you would want in an employee for your healthcare facility, and why did you choose those?

The three qualities that I would want in an employee within my business would be empathy, respect, and communication. I chose these qualities because in the type of setting of a home health facility my employee’s would be taking care of patients who are not able to fully take of themselves. That being said I would want my employees to posses the ability to be empathetic with each of the patients that they are helping take care of. Respecting the needs of the patients and additional staff as well is important and helps to keep everyone on the same page as well as builds great relationships with both the staff and patients. In any health care setting communication is one of the key elements to posses amongst the staff and patients. It helps everyone to know what is going on with each patient from staff member to staff member to ensure that the patients are getting the best care possible.

2. What are 3 qualities that you would NOT want, and why?

Three qualities that I would not want within my facility are poor bed side manner, negative/rude attitude, dishonesty. We all want to have the best employees in health care as we are constantly interacting with patients who are in fragile states based on their current conditions. In my heath care facility these are the qualities or traits that I want to steer away from with my employees. Poor bed side manner created negative experiences with patients and the quality of care is jeopardized and overlooked with employees who are not able to properly hand their encounters with patients. Negative attitudes or being rude creates a toxic work environment within other staff members and the patients. Lastly, dishonesty within any facility is detrimental to the relationships that are being built with other team members and the patients. In my facility I would want complete honesty across the board with patient care and interactions with staff members.

3. Describe 3 strategies that you would use to retain your employees at your healthcare facility. Be creative—think beyond vacation time, pay, and health insurance.

The strategies I would use to retain employees would be work-life-balance, providing a reliable support system, and employee development. In todays world working for a company that has the ability to provide a work life balance is crucial. Many people want to have the security to know that their employer cares more about them and their outside lives rather than just another worker. Having a reliable support system I think is important as it provides the security for employees to know that no matter what their goals are, issues they may have etc., their employer is there to support them during their time of need. Employee development is important as well as it can determine how long someone anticipates to be within the company. Development for employees I feel can be a winning point if you show that they have the ability to move up within the company.…… 
Student 2:
Hello Class,
The first three qualities that I want in an employee are: Teachability, team player, and attention to detail. I chose those three qualities for the following reasons:
Teachability: No employee knows how to “do everything” on the job. To be the right hire, whether you are an entry-level employee or experienced, the prospective employee must be a good listener and show willingness to learn be employable. A teachable person is receptive to learning new things or willing to learn new ways of performing tasks, unlearn bad work habits and experiences, and relearn skills that might have been forgotten or need polishing.
Team player. This is the foundation of success in any workplace. The acronym TEAM says it all: Together Everyone Achieves More and the cliché teamwork makes the dreamwork produces excellence where more than one person works. To be considered for employment, the future employee must be willing to work well with others especially in today’s diverse workforce where every employee comes with some strengths and weakness.
Attention to Detail. There are lot of moving parts in the work center. Any missed step, blunders, oversights, and mistakes can be costly or deadly at any facility. That is why attention to detail cannot be priced nor substituted. Therefore, it is a must-have potential for employment. Employees must be observant and attentive to every aspects of their duties and responsibilities.
The three qualities that I do not want in an employee are: Carelessness, untrustworthiness, and poor communication.
Careless. I wouldn’t hire anyone with this quality because careless is results in errors, mistakes, missteps, inaccuracies, sloppy work, and rework. A careless employee can damage the reputation of the employer which can result in losses.
Poor Communication. Excellent communication is the way get the job done efficiently.
Poor communication creates conflicts, confusion, misinterpretation, misunderstandings, mistakes and missed opportunities.
Untrustworthiness. Trust is a framework and foundation another piece of the puzzle that should be required of all future employees of any enterprise. Trust establishes the groundwork for collaboration, teamwork, camaraderie, respect and enhance productivity in the workplace. Lack of trust in employees and leadership breeds toxic environment in the workplace.
The three strategies that I would use to retain employees at my workplace are as follows:
Provide growth opportunities. All employees will be properly mentored, cross-trained, and compete for growth opportunities. Those who are suitably-prepared could be promoted, transferred to different departments, or reassigned different roles including leadership.
Deliver effective leadership. Any business, company, or team is as good as the leadership. This equates to profitability and retention. Poor leadership create toxic work center and can be reason for attrition. Xanten (2018) wrote, “It is the responsibility of the team leader to ensure that the team members are contented with their work and share a good rapport amongst themselves.”
Being Flexible with employees. If you want to keep your employees, be flexible and treat them equally. Each employees have family, personal problems, values, religious beliefs, and culture. An employee must know others and accommodate their needs. Wexler found that Flexibility in the workplace means being able to quickly adapt to new circumstances as they arise. An employee who is flexible can navigate or overcome unanticipated obstacles.

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