solved Considering all of your writing from the semester, write an

Considering all of your writing from the semester, write an essay that reflects on your own writing process and your development as a writer this semester. Resist the urge to create an idealistic and uncritical representation of your progress – turn your critical, analytical eye to your work in the course and the documents you produced. This is not an evaluation of the course or the instructor; it is a reflection on yourself as a writer. Explain how the writing you completed this semester demonstrates that you understand and have met at least one learning outcome from each of the three levels: program, course, and student. Only pick one outcome from each level. Choose the one you feel you were most successful with and explain why with direct support from your processes and products.Your essay will be five fully developed paragraphs, each with 7 or more sentences. Submit to the Turnitin Link in the Final Tab Background and Introduction (1 para) Some suggestions for setting up your essay and leading to your thesis:Reconstruct your writing process for your essays. What patterns emerge? How does your process change from one essay to the next? How does the product reflect the process? How can you show your growth as a writer through specific examples?Determine the degree to which you have accomplished the student learning outcomes (listed on the syllabus), particularly through the revision process.Consider the ways in which you have become a more critical thinker through your work in this course. How does the writing you have produced demonstrate your ability to engage in critical thinking?Program Level Learning Outcomes (body para 1)Pick ONE outcome to explain and support how you achieved itCommunication Skills – to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and/or visual communication. How well did you express your ideas?Written: Process and produce effective written communication adapted to the audience, purpose, and time constraints. How intentional was your attention to the rhetorical situation and the college level expectations?Visual: Effectively interpret visual images or produce effective visual images. How well did you analyze rhetorical appeals?Critical Thinking Skills: to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. How did you work on processing new information and learning?Personal Responsibility: to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making. Class decisions?Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes (body para 2)Pick ONE outcome to explain and support how you achieved itDemonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.Writing ProcessPeer ReviewInstructor ReviewIntentional RevisionOWLDevelop ideas with appropriate support and attribution. Brainstorming OutlinesDb plansDraftsIntentional RevisionsWrite in a style appropriate to the audience and purpose.Literacy Narrative Visual AnalysisArgument with Research Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts.articles, textbook, novelresearch, etc. Use Edited American English in academic essays.grammar, spelling, mechanics, cohesion, flowStudent Learning Outcomes (body para 3)Pick ONE outcome to explain and support how you achieved itComplete a visual interpretation, analysis, or synthesis project in standard written American English. Specific occasion, audience, and purpose are clearly outlined.Compose multiple drafts before submitting a developed research-based argument essay using proper research and substantiation. Research is delivered in standard written Academic EnglishClear Rhetorical Situation (GAPT) Specific occasion, audience, and purpose are clearly outlined and tone is appropriate and consistent.Conclusion (1 para)Assess your struggles and achievements.Explain how you see yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker, including what you understand about college reading, writing, and thinking, and how you will carry what you have learned about reading and writing in this class into your future academic work. Your essay will be five fully developed paragraphs; each para should be 7 or more sentences. Submit to the Turnitin Link in the Final tabReminders of important college-level essay elements:follow instructions and write to the promptaccurate MLA formata cohesive flow from beginning to end, with clear transitioning elements between parasWell thought out and developed ideas with specific details of support in each body parasubmitted before time runs out (no late work accepted)

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