solved Critically analyzing the pathophysiology of a condition means not only

Critically analyzing the pathophysiology of a condition means not only knowing the different pathways involved in a disease process, but also understanding the connection between the signs and symptoms (S/Sx) your patients will present with, the disease process, and the diagnostic tests that will identify or help you differentiate between the different differential diagnoses. This assignment encompasses all of the course learning objectives. They are:Apply current pathophysiological knowledge, theory and research in the primary caremanagement of patients across the lifespan.Apply critical thinking in the development of an appropriate differential diagnosis.Determine appropriate and cost-effective diagnostic studies to evaluatepathophysiologic processes in the primary care setting.Evaluate the usefulness and applicability of published research findings in theunderstanding of disease processes.Discuss current pathophysiologic theory related to commonly occurring health problems.Critique current pathophysiologic research related to common health conditions.Identify developmental variations in pathophysiological processes across the lifespan.Explain variations in pathophysiology across populations.This assignment has 2 parts. You may begin this assignment at any time. Part 1 is due week 11 and Part 2 week 15.Part 1:Points: 75Due Date: Week 11Directions: Within the first week of class, review the assignment and choose your S/Sx (topic). You will create a PPT presentation with an audio recording and upload it to a discussion in Week 11. Your PPT presentation should be no longer than 5-8 minutes MAX to present on your topic. Do not read your PPT, summarize key points for each section. What is the most common? The most serious? Consider this the elevator speech for you topic to another clinician.Points will be deducted if you go over time limit. Required components:Name the S/Sx you chose.What are the DDx for your S/SxList AT LEAST 5 different DDx from AT LEAST 2 different body systemsReview the prevalence/incidence of these DDx. What is the most common DDx from the ones you choose? What are the Zebras?List the 3 most common DDx for PEDS, ADULTS, in PREGNANCY (they can overlap)What HPI/ROS questions would you ask to help navigate through DDxIdentify RED FLAG findingsWhat PE would you do to help r/o some of your DDxIdentify Pertinent Positives or negativesWhat diagnostic tests or labs would you do to help r/o some of your DDxExplain your medical decision making for what you are looking forIdentify RED FLAG findingsIf you decide not to do diagnostics/labs initially. When would you consider doing them?Create a short case study with appropriate HPI/ROS/PMH/PE and diagnostic and labs that would lead to your patient having one of the most common DDx you choose. List the plan for the patient.Explain the pathophysiology of why your chosen disease causes the S/Sx assignedDiscuss with the class how you would explain this connection between S/Sx assigned and the disease you choose, the diagnosis, and plan to the patient in layman’s terms.Your citations should be in APA format. The PPT will be graded for content as well as clarity and presentation.See the links below for a funny, yet informative comedy routine on creating a good PPT presentation:Life After Death by PowerPoint (Corporate Comedy Video) (Links to an external site.)Submit your PPT in “S/Sx DDX PPT” Discussions for your class to review.List of S/ Sx to choose from here: sig assnmt Ssx ddx list-1.docx*Here is a PPT example without voice over using the symptom of Dizziness : PathoDDX example1.pptx II:Part Points: 25Due Date: Week 14Directions:Create a table that includes the most common DDX identified for each topic. Include the headings below:S/Sx, DDx in PEDS (bolding the most common ones), DDx in ADULTS (bolding the most common ones), DDx in PREGNANCY (bolding the most common ones), Key Subjective questions to ask (Bolding the red flags), Key PE to do (Bolding the red flags), Key diagnostic/labsYou can do this by using the information from the PPT your classmates post. HOWEVER, each student must submit a table into week 15 assignment.Post your table in Week 15 assignment “S/Sx DDx Table”

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