solved Cultural Responsiveness in Human Services Delivery:Does the program meet the
Cultural Responsiveness in Human Services Delivery:Does the program meet the needs of culturally diverse service users in the community? Why or why not?How would you demonstrate cultural competence and humility as a program evaluator? Conclusions:Is the program effective?Is the program improving service users’ quality of life? Are the expected benefits, results, and/or outcomes of the program being achieved?Use the Likert scale listed below to rate the program’s overall performance. Provide a brief justification of the rating based on how you answered the previous questions in this section. 12345PoorBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellentWhat would you do if the program were awarded more money? What are the two most important things you would recommend for improving?Support your Assignment with evidence from the Hart City interface (e.g., community needs assessment, data provided about the program you selected) and with scholarly sources.
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