solved Directions: Answer all 5 of the questions from the list

Directions: Answer all 5 of the questions
from the list below and answer them in detail.
Please use APA style when answering the questions. You may include any research, references or
personal experiences in constructing your essays. Please number each question that’s answered. Please try to write one page minimum OR more for each (If possible)1st Explain what “college and career readiness” are and the effects it has on the school districts in the State of Mississippi? Please explain in detail the- The standards can be found on the Mississippi Department of Education website.2nd What is the “IDEA Act” and how does it benefit the students in your
school? 3rd What ways do you think that teacher effectiveness can be increased?4th Define
Classroom Management5th Is there a difference between classroom management and classroom
discipline or are they the same? Explain

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