solved Directions Instructions: Observe and take field notes on a context


Instructions: Observe and take field notes on a context of social interaction as if you were preparing to write an ethnography. The research can be a family meal, a waiting room, an evening in the dorm, a day at work, a religious ceremony, a wedding, a funeral, sporting event, or any other event where it is possible to observe the interactions of people. (You are welcome to be creative! Just make sure the activity is legal. Please be advised I am a mandatory reporter.) For those of you that are required to work, have appointments that must be kept, or are out in public for reasons of your own, you are welcome to write about those excursions and experiences – just be safe! For those of you that are practicing social distancing, self-isolation, or are quarantined I completely understand and do not want you putting yourself in situations that you do not feel comfortable in. Consider observing a press conference or some type of televised assembly (live or recorded) as there are unfortunately no shortages of those these days. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to text me your questions. 
In 700 words (minimum) describe, summarize, and analyze what you have observed. What have you learned about the ‘culture’ or ‘social organization’ of the group being observed? In your summary, remember to situate your audience in the context of the observation. Try to draw general conclusions about your observations that are anthropological in their perspective. Remember, you do not have to agree with or approve of the circumstance you have observed, invoke the concept of cultural relativism. Below are some of the things you should include in your essay about your observation (meaning, if these are not present in your observation, choose something else).
Activity / Event – What occurred during the activity or event you observed? What function and importance did specific behaviors or rituals have for the participants? (20 points)
Cultural Knowledge – What cultural knowledge is revealed about individuals? You should try to identify and describe all five components. (25 points)
Kinesics (Body Language) – How do people act toward each other? Can you posit an explanation for the differences in body language among the individuals? Are there any patterns of behavior displayed by the people observed? What can be learned about a particular culture or individual by studying body language? (Need some help, look over pages 227 – 8 of your textbook.) (15 points)
Focal Vocabulary – How do people talk to one another? Do they use words and phrases that outsiders might not understand? (They should!) Provide four examples of focal vocabulary. Your examples should situate these terms or phrases in the observed context and provide the insiders’ and outsiders’ terms. For example, think about a team you played on or an employer you worked for. If someone new joined, more than likely they would need to learn some new terms and concepts to understand how to work productively and efficiently with the group. (Need some more help, look over page 232 of your textbook.) (25 points)
Additional Thoughts to Consider
Participant observation is a standard method in anthropology employed to collect information with respect to societal interactions. For those options utilizing participant observation, your objective is to become an anthropologist and engage in fieldwork. Within the constraints of the assignment, where you go, who, and what you observe are up to you. However, be creative and have fun. Try to step out of your comfort zone and explore an ‘environment’ that is not familiar to you. Remember, participant observation is not a reflection of a past experience. In that endeavor, observe and take field notes. Remember that sometimes, depending on the ‘environment’ you are in, this may not be easy or even possible. If it is not possible to take field notes, write as much as you can remember about the circumstance, directly after the end of the observation and include this with your essay. If you are unable to take notes directly in the field, address this issue in your essay.

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